Interface Listing

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Listing
    This interface provides all the methods needed to create,delete, retrieve, modify code level constructs (CodeUnits, Macros, Fragments, and Modules).
    • Method Detail

      • getCodeUnitAt

        CodeUnit getCodeUnitAt​(Address addr)
        get the code unit that starts at the given address.
        addr - the address to look for a codeUnit.
        the codeUnit that begins at the given address
      • getCodeUnitContaining

        CodeUnit getCodeUnitContaining​(Address addr)
        get the code unit that contains the given address.
        addr - the address to look for a codeUnit.
        the codeUnit that contains the given address
      • getCodeUnitAfter

        CodeUnit getCodeUnitAfter​(Address addr)
        get the next code unit that starts an an address that is greater than the given address. The search will include instructions, defined data, and undefined data.
        addr - the address from which to search forward.
        the next CodeUnit found while searching forward from addr or null if none found.
      • getCodeUnitBefore

        CodeUnit getCodeUnitBefore​(Address addr)
        get the next code unit that starts at an address that is less than the given address. The search will include instructions, defined data, and undefined data.
        addr - the address from which to search backwards.
        The first codeUnit found while searching backwards from addr or null if none found.
      • getCodeUnitIterator

        CodeUnitIterator getCodeUnitIterator​(java.lang.String property,
                                             boolean forward)
        Get an iterator that contains all code units in the program which have the specified property type defined. Standard property types are defined in the CodeUnit class. The property types are: EOL_COMMENT, PRE_COMMENT, POST_COMMENT, USER_REFERENCE, MNEMONIC_REFERENCE, VALUE_REFERENCE. Property types can also be user defined.
        property - the name of the property type.
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        a CodeUnitIterator that returns all code units from the indicated start address that have the specified property type defined.
      • getCodeUnitIterator

        CodeUnitIterator getCodeUnitIterator​(java.lang.String property,
                                             Address addr,
                                             boolean forward)
        Get an iterator that contains the code units which have the specified property type defined. Only code units at an address greater than or equal to the specified start address will be returned by the iterator. If the start address is null then check the entire program. Standard property types are defined in the CodeUnit class. The property types are: EOL_COMMENT, PRE_COMMENT, POST_COMMENT, USER_REFERENCE, MNEMONIC_REFERENCE, VALUE_REFERENCE. Property types can also be user defined.
        addr - the start address
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        a CodeUnitIterator that returns all code units from the indicated start address that have the specified property type defined.
      • getCodeUnitIterator

        CodeUnitIterator getCodeUnitIterator​(java.lang.String property,
                                             AddressSetView addrSet,
                                             boolean forward)
        Get an iterator that contains the code units which have the specified property type defined. Only code units starting within the address set will be returned by the iterator. If the address set is null then check the entire program. Standard property types are defined in the CodeUnit class.
        property - the name of the property type.
        addrSet - the address set
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        a CodeUnitIterator that returns all code units from the indicated address set that have the specified property type defined.
      • getCommentCodeUnitIterator

        CodeUnitIterator getCommentCodeUnitIterator​(int commentType,
                                                    AddressSetView addrSet)
        Get a forward code unit iterator over code units that have the specified comment type.
        commentType - type defined in CodeUnit
        addrSet - address set
        a CodeUnitIterator that returns all code units from the indicated address set that have the specified comment type defined
      • getCommentAddressIterator

        AddressIterator getCommentAddressIterator​(int commentType,
                                                  AddressSetView addrSet,
                                                  boolean forward)
        Get a forward iterator over addresses that have the specified comment type.
        commentType - type defined in CodeUnit
        addrSet - address set
        forward - true to iterator from lowest address to highest, false highest to lowest
        an AddressIterator that returns all addresses from the indicated address set that have the specified comment type defined
      • getCommentAddressIterator

        AddressIterator getCommentAddressIterator​(AddressSetView addrSet,
                                                  boolean forward)
        Get a forward iterator over addresses that have any type of comment.
        addrSet - address set
        forward - true to iterator from lowest address to highest, false highest to lowest
        an AddressIterator that returns all addresses from the indicated address set that have any type of comment.
      • getComment

        java.lang.String getComment​(int commentType,
                                    Address address)
        Get the comment for the given type at the specified address.
        address - the address of the comment.
        the comment string of the appropriate type or null if no comment of that type exists for this codeunit
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if type is not one of the types of comments supported
      • setComment

        void setComment​(Address address,
                        int commentType,
                        java.lang.String comment)
        Set the comment for the given comment type at the specified address.
        address - the address of the comment.
        comment - comment to set at the address
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if type is not one of the types of comments supported
      • getCodeUnits

        CodeUnitIterator getCodeUnits​(boolean forward)
        get a CodeUnit iterator that will iterate over the entire address space.
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        a CodeUnitIterator in forward direction
      • getCodeUnits

        CodeUnitIterator getCodeUnits​(Address addr,
                                      boolean forward)
        Returns an iterator of the code units in this listing (in proper sequence), starting at the specified address. The specified address indicates the first code unit that would be returned by an initial call to the next method. An initial call to the previous method would return the code unit with an address less than the specified address.

        addr - the start address of the iterator.
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        a CodeUnitIterator positioned just before addr.
      • getCodeUnits

        CodeUnitIterator getCodeUnits​(AddressSetView addrSet,
                                      boolean forward)
        Get an iterator over the address range(s). Only code units whose start addresses are contained in the given address set will be returned by the iterator.
        addrSet - the AddressRangeSet to iterate over (required).
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        a CodeUnitIterator that is restricted to the give AddressRangeSet.
      • getInstructionAt

        Instruction getInstructionAt​(Address addr)
        get the Instruction that starts at the given address. If no Instruction has been defined to start at that address, return null.
        addr - the address to check for the start of an instruction
        the Instruction object that starts at addr; or null if no Instructions starts at addr.
      • getInstructionContaining

        Instruction getInstructionContaining​(Address addr)
        get the Instruction that contains the given address. If an Instruction is defined that contains that address, it will be returned. Otherwise, null will be returned.
        addr - the address to check for containment in an Instruction.
        the Instruction object that contains addr; or null if no Instructions contain addr.
      • getInstructionAfter

        Instruction getInstructionAfter​(Address addr)
        get the closest Instruction that starts at an address that is greater than the given address.
        addr - The address at which to begin the forward search.
        the next Instruction whose starting address is greater than addr.
      • getInstructionBefore

        Instruction getInstructionBefore​(Address addr)
        get the closest Instruction that starts at an address that is less than the given address.
        addr - The address at which to begin the backward search.
        the closest Instruction whose starting address is less than addr.
      • getInstructions

        InstructionIterator getInstructions​(boolean forward)
        get an Instruction iterator that will iterate over the entire address space.
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        an InstructionIterator that iterates over all instructions in the program.
      • getInstructions

        InstructionIterator getInstructions​(Address addr,
                                            boolean forward)
        Returns an iterator of the instructions in this listing (in proper sequence), starting at the specified address. The specified address indicates the first instruction that would be returned by an initial call to the next method. An initial call to the previous method would return the instruction with an address less than the specified address.

        addr - the initial position of the iterator
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        an InstructionIterator that iterates over all Instruction objects in the given address range set.
      • getInstructions

        InstructionIterator getInstructions​(AddressSetView addrSet,
                                            boolean forward)
        Get an Instruction iterator over the address range(s). Only instructions whose start addresses are contained in the given address set will be returned by the iterator.
        addrSet - the address range set to iterate over.
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        a DataIterator that iterates over all defined and undefined Data objects in the given address range set.
      • getDataAt

        Data getDataAt​(Address addr)
        get the Data (Defined or Undefined) that starts at the given address.
        addr - the address to check for a Data object.
        the Data object that starts at addr; or null if no Data objects(defined or undefined) start at addr.
      • getDataContaining

        Data getDataContaining​(Address addr)
        Gets the data object that is at or contains the given address or null if the address in not in memory or is in an instruction.
        addr - the address for which to find its containing data element.
        the Data object containing the given address or null if there is no data that contains the address.
      • getDataAfter

        Data getDataAfter​(Address addr)
        get the closest Data object that starts at an address that is greater than the given address.
        addr - the address at which to begin the forward search.
        the next Data object whose starting address is greater than addr.
      • getDataBefore

        Data getDataBefore​(Address addr)
        get the closest Data object that starts at an address that is less than the given address.
        addr - The address at which to begin the backward search.
        the closest Data object whose starting address is less than addr.
      • getData

        DataIterator getData​(boolean forward)
        get a Data iterator that will iterate over the entire address space; returning both defined and undefined Data objects.
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        a DataIterator that iterates over all defined and undefined Data object in the program.
      • getData

        DataIterator getData​(Address addr,
                             boolean forward)
        Returns an iterator of the data in this listing (in proper sequence), starting at the specified address. The specified address indicates the first Data that would be returned by an initial call to the next method. An initial call to the previous method would return the Data with an address less than the specified address.

        addr - the initial position of the iterator
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        a DataIterator that iterates over all Data objects in the given address range set.
      • getData

        DataIterator getData​(AddressSetView addrSet,
                             boolean forward)
        Get an iterator over the address range(s). Only data whose start addresses are contained in the given address set will be returned by the iterator.
        addrSet - the address range set to iterate over.
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        a DataIterator that iterates over all defined and undefined Data objects in the given address range set.
      • getDefinedDataAt

        Data getDefinedDataAt​(Address addr)
        get the Data (defined) object that starts at the given address. If no Data object is defined at that address, then return null.
        addr - The address to check for defined Data.
        a Data object that starts at addr, or null if no Data object has been defined to start at addr.
      • getDefinedDataContaining

        Data getDefinedDataContaining​(Address addr)
        get the Data object that starts at the given address. If no Data objects have been defined that contain that address, then return null.
        addr - the address to check for containment in a defined Data object.
        the defined Data object containing addr.
      • getDefinedDataAfter

        Data getDefinedDataAfter​(Address addr)
        get the defined Data object that starts at an address that is greater than the given address.
        addr - the address at which to begin the forward search.
        the next defined Data object whose starting address is greater than addr.
      • getDefinedDataBefore

        Data getDefinedDataBefore​(Address addr)
        get the closest defined Data object that starts at an address that is less than the given address.
        addr - The address at which to begin the backward search.
        the closest defined Data object whose starting address is less than addr.
      • getDefinedData

        DataIterator getDefinedData​(boolean forward)
        get a Data iterator that will iterate over the entire address space; returning only defined Data objects.
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        a DataIterator that iterates over all defined Data objects in the program.
      • getDefinedData

        DataIterator getDefinedData​(Address addr,
                                    boolean forward)
        Returns an iterator of the defined data in this listing (in proper sequence), starting at the specified address. The specified address indicates the first defined Data that would be returned by an initial call to the next method. An initial call to the previous method would return the defined Data with an address less than the specified address.

        addr - the initial position of the iterator
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        a DataIterator that iterates over all defined Data objects in the given address range set.
      • getDefinedData

        DataIterator getDefinedData​(AddressSetView addrSet,
                                    boolean forward)
        Get an iterator over the address range(s). Only defined data whose start addresses are contained in the given address set will be returned by the iterator.
        addrSet - the address range set to iterate over.
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        a DataIterator that iterates over all defined Data objects in the given address range set.
      • getUndefinedDataAt

        Data getUndefinedDataAt​(Address addr)
        get the Data (undefined) object that starts at the given address.
        addr - The address to check for undefined data.
        a default DataObject if bytes exist at addr and nothing has been defined to exist there. Otherwise returns null.
      • getUndefinedDataAfter

        Data getUndefinedDataAfter​(Address addr,
                                   TaskMonitor monitor)
        Get the undefined Data object that starts at an address that is greater than the given address. This operation can be slow for large programs so a TaskMonitor is required.
        addr - the address at which to begin the forward search.
        monitor - a task monitor allowing this operation to be cancelled
        the next undefined Data object whose starting address is greater than addr.
      • getFirstUndefinedData

        Data getFirstUndefinedData​(AddressSetView set,
                                   TaskMonitor monitor)
        Get the undefined Data object that falls within the set. This operation can be slow for large programs so a TaskMonitor is required.
        set - the addressSet at which to find the first undefined address.
        monitor - a task monitor allowing this operation to be cancelled
        the next undefined Data object whose starting address falls within the addresSet.
      • getUndefinedDataBefore

        Data getUndefinedDataBefore​(Address addr,
                                    TaskMonitor monitor)
        get the closest undefined Data object that starts at an address that is less than the given address. This operation can be slow for large programs so a TaskMonitor is required.
        addr - The address at which to begin the backward search.
        monitor - a task monitor allowing this operation to be cancelled
        the closest undefined Data object whose starting address is less than addr.
      • getUndefinedRanges

        AddressSetView getUndefinedRanges​(AddressSetView set,
                                          boolean initializedMemoryOnly,
                                          TaskMonitor monitor)
                                   throws CancelledException
        Get the address set which corresponds to all undefined code units within the specified set of address.
        set - set of addresses to search
        initializedMemoryOnly - if true set will be constrained to initialized memory areas, if false set will be constrained to all defined memory blocks.
        monitor - task monitor
        address set corresponding to undefined code units
        CancelledException - if monitor cancelled
      • getDefinedCodeUnitAfter

        CodeUnit getDefinedCodeUnitAfter​(Address addr)
        Returns the next instruction or defined data after the given address;
        addr - the address at which to begin the search
        the next instruction or defined data at an address higher than the given address.
      • getDefinedCodeUnitBefore

        CodeUnit getDefinedCodeUnitBefore​(Address addr)
        Returns the closest instruction or defined data that starts before the given address.
        addr - the address at which to begin the search
        the closest instruction or defined data at an address below the given address.
      • getCompositeData

        DataIterator getCompositeData​(boolean forward)
        Get an iterator over all the composite data objects (Arrays, Structures, and Union) in the program.
        forward - true means get iterator that starts at the minimum address and iterates forward. Otherwise it starts at the maximum address and iterates backwards.
        an iterator over all the composite data objects.
      • getCompositeData

        DataIterator getCompositeData​(Address start,
                                      boolean forward)
        Get an iterator over all the composite data objects (Arrays, Structures, and Union) in the program at or after the given Address.
        start - start of the iterator
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        an iterator over all the composite data objects starting with the given address.
      • getCompositeData

        DataIterator getCompositeData​(AddressSetView addrSet,
                                      boolean forward)
        Get an iterator over all the composite data objects (Arrays, Structures, and Union) within the specified address set in the program.
        addrSet - the address set
        forward - true means get iterator in forward direction
        an iterator over all the composite data objects in the given address set.
      • getUserDefinedProperties

        java.util.Iterator<java.lang.String> getUserDefinedProperties()
        Returns an iterator over all user defined property names.
        an iterator over all user defined property names.
      • removeUserDefinedProperty

        void removeUserDefinedProperty​(java.lang.String propertyName)
        Removes the entire property from the program
        propertyName - the name of the property to remove.
      • getPropertyMap

        PropertyMap getPropertyMap​(java.lang.String propertyName)
        Returns the PropertyMap associated with the given name
        propertyName - the property name
        PropertyMap the propertyMap object.
      • createInstruction

        Instruction createInstruction​(Address addr,
                                      InstructionPrototype prototype,
                                      MemBuffer memBuf,
                                      ProcessorContextView context)
                               throws CodeUnitInsertionException
        Creates a new Instruction object at the given address. The specified context is only used to create the associated prototype. It is critical that the context be written immediately after creation of the instruction and must be done with a single set operation on the program context. Once a set context is done on the instruction address, any subsequent context changes will result in a ContextChangeException
        addr - the address at which to create an instruction
        prototype - the InstructionPrototype the describes the type of instruction to create.
        memBuf - buffer that provides the bytes that make up the instruction.
        context - the processor context at this location.
        the newly created instruction.
        CodeUnitInsertionException - thrown if the new Instruction would overlap and existing Instruction or defined data.
      • addInstructions

        AddressSetView addInstructions​(InstructionSet instructionSet,
                                       boolean overwrite)
                                throws CodeUnitInsertionException
        Creates a complete set of instructions. A preliminary pass will be made checking for code unit conflicts which will be marked within the instructionSet causing dependent blocks to get pruned.
        instructionSet - the set of instructions to be added. All code unit conflicts will be marked within the instructionSet and associated blocks.
        overwrite - if true, overwrites existing code units.
        the set of addresses over which instructions were actually added to the program. This may differ from the InstructionSet address set if conflict errors occurred. Such conflict errors will be recorded within the InstructionSet and its InstructionBlocks.
        CodeUnitInsertionException - if the instruction set is incompatible with the program memory
      • createData

        Data createData​(Address addr,
                        DataType dataType,
                        int length)
                 throws CodeUnitInsertionException,
        Creates a new defined Data object of a given length at the given address. This ignores the bytes that are present
        addr - the address at which to create a new Data object.
        dataType - the Data Type that describes the type of Data object to create.
        length - the length of the datatype.
        newly created data unit
        CodeUnitInsertionException - thrown if the new Instruction would overlap and existing Instruction or defined data.
        DataTypeConflictException - if the given datatype conflicts (same name, but not equal) with an existing datatype.
      • createData

        Data createData​(Address addr,
                        DataType dataType)
                 throws CodeUnitInsertionException,
        Creates a new defined Data object at the given address. This ignores the bytes that are present
        addr - the address at which to create a new Data object.
        dataType - the Data Type that describes the type of Data object to create.
        newly created data unit
        CodeUnitInsertionException - thrown if the new Instruction would overlap and existing Instruction or defined data.
        DataTypeConflictException - if the given datatype conflicts (same name, but not equal) with an existing datatype.
      • clearCodeUnits

        void clearCodeUnits​(Address startAddr,
                            Address endAddr,
                            boolean clearContext)
        Clears any code units in the given range returning everything to "db"s, and removing any references in the affected area. Note that the module and fragment structure is unaffected. If part of a code unit is contained in the given address range then the whole code unit will be cleared.
        startAddr - the start address of the area to be cleared.
        endAddr - the end address of the area to be cleared.
        clearContext - clear context register values if true
      • clearCodeUnits

        void clearCodeUnits​(Address startAddr,
                            Address endAddr,
                            boolean clearContext,
                            TaskMonitor monitor)
                     throws CancelledException
        Clears any code units in the given range returning everything to "db"s, and removing any references in the affected area. Note that the module and fragment structure is unaffected. If part of a code unit is contained in the given address range then the whole code unit will be cleared.
        startAddr - the start address of the area to be cleared.
        endAddr - the end address of the area to be cleared.
        clearContext - clear context register values if true
        monitor - monitor that can be used to cancel the clear operation
        CancelledException - if the operation was cancelled.
      • isUndefined

        boolean isUndefined​(Address start,
                            Address end)
        Checks if the given ranges consists entirely of undefined data.
        start - The start address of the range to check.
        end - The end address of the range to check.
        boolean true if the given range is in memory and has no instructions or defined data.
      • clearComments

        void clearComments​(Address startAddr,
                           Address endAddr)
        Clears the comments in the given range.
        startAddr - the start address of the range to be cleared
        endAddr - the end address of the range to be cleard
      • clearProperties

        void clearProperties​(Address startAddr,
                             Address endAddr,
                             TaskMonitor monitor)
                      throws CancelledException
        Clears the properties in the given range.
        startAddr - the start address of the range to be cleared
        endAddr - the end address of the range to be cleard
        monitor - task monitor for cancelling operation.
        CancelledException - if the operation was cancelled.
      • clearAll

        void clearAll​(boolean clearContext,
                      TaskMonitor monitor)
        Removes all CodeUnits, comments, properties, and references from the listing.
        clearContext - if true, also clear any instruction context that has been laid down from previous disassembly.
        monitor - used for tracking progress and cancelling the clear operation.
      • getFragment

        ProgramFragment getFragment​(java.lang.String treeName,
                                    Address addr)
        Returns the fragment containing the given address.

        treeName - name of the tree to search
        addr - the address that is contained within a fragment.
        will return null if the address is not in the program.
      • getModule

        ProgramModule getModule​(java.lang.String treeName,
                                java.lang.String name)
        Returns the module with the given name.

        treeName - name of the tree to search
        name - the name of the module to find.
        will return null if there is no module with the given name.
      • getFragment

        ProgramFragment getFragment​(java.lang.String treeName,
                                    java.lang.String name)
        Returns the fragment with the given name.

        treeName - name of the tree to search
        name - the name of the fragment to find.
        will return null if there is no fragment with the given name.
      • createRootModule

        ProgramModule createRootModule​(java.lang.String treeName)
                                throws DuplicateNameException
        Create a new tree that will be identified by the given name. By default, the new root module is populated with fragments based on memory blocks. Note that the root module's name is not the same as its tree name. The root module name defaults to the name of the program.
        treeName - name of the tree to search
        root module
        DuplicateNameException - if a tree with the given name already exists
      • getRootModule

        ProgramModule getRootModule​(java.lang.String treeName)
        Gets the root module for a tree in this listing.
        treeName - name of tree
        the root module for the listing; returns null if there is no tree rooted at a module with the given name.
      • getRootModule

        ProgramModule getRootModule​(long treeID)
        Returns the root module of the program tree with the given name;
        treeID - id of the program tree
        the root module of the specified tree.
      • getDefaultRootModule

        ProgramModule getDefaultRootModule()
        Returns the root module for the default program tree. This would be the program tree that has existed the longest.
        the root module for the oldest existing program tree.
      • getTreeNames

        java.lang.String[] getTreeNames()
        Get the names of all the trees defined in this listing.
        the names of all program trees defined in the program.
      • removeTree

        boolean removeTree​(java.lang.String treeName)
        Remove the tree rooted at the given name.
        treeName - the name of the tree to remove.
        true if the tree was removed; return false if this is the last tree for the program; cannot delete the last tree.
      • renameTree

        void renameTree​(java.lang.String oldName,
                        java.lang.String newName)
                 throws DuplicateNameException
        Rename the tree. This method does not change the root module's name only the identifier for the tree.
        oldName - old name of the tree
        newName - new name of the tree.
        DuplicateNameException - if newName already exists for a root module
      • getNumCodeUnits

        long getNumCodeUnits()
        gets the total number of CodeUnits (Instructions, defined Data, and undefined Data)
        the total number of CodeUnits in the listing.
      • getNumDefinedData

        long getNumDefinedData()
        gets the total number of defined Data objects in the listing.
        the total number of defined Data objects in the listing.
      • getNumInstructions

        long getNumInstructions()
        gets the total number of Instructions in the listing.
        number of Instructions
      • getDataTypeManager

        DataTypeManager getDataTypeManager()
        Get the data type manager for the program.
        the datatype manager for the program.
      • createFunction

        Function createFunction​(java.lang.String name,
                                Namespace nameSpace,
                                Address entryPoint,
                                AddressSetView body,
                                SourceType source)
                         throws InvalidInputException,
        Create a function in the specified namespace with an entry point and a body of addresses.
        name - the name of the function to create
        nameSpace - the namespace in which to create the function
        entryPoint - the entry point for the function
        body - the address set that makes up the functions body
        source - the source of this function
        the created function
        InvalidInputException - if the name contains invalid characters
        OverlappingFunctionException - if the given body overlaps with an existing function.
      • removeFunction

        void removeFunction​(Address entryPoint)
        Remove a function a given entry point.
        entryPoint - entry point of function to be removed.
      • getFunctionAt

        Function getFunctionAt​(Address entryPoint)
        Get a function with a given entry point.
        entryPoint - entry point of the function
        function at the entry point
      • getGlobalFunctions

        java.util.List<Function> getGlobalFunctions​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns a list of all global functions with the given name.
        name - the name of the functions to retrieve.
        a list of all global functions with the given name.
      • getFunctions

        java.util.List<Function> getFunctions​(java.lang.String namespace,
                                              java.lang.String name)
        Returns a list of all functions with the given name in the given namespace.
        namespace - the namespace to search for functions of the given name. Can be null, in which case it will search the global namespace.
        name - the name of the functions to retrieve.
        a list of all global functions with the given name.
      • getFunctionContaining

        Function getFunctionContaining​(Address addr)
        Get a function containing an address.
        addr - the address to search.
        function containing this address, null otherwise
      • getExternalFunctions

        FunctionIterator getExternalFunctions()
        Get an iterator over all external functions
        an iterator over all currently defined external functions.
      • getFunctions

        FunctionIterator getFunctions​(boolean forward)
        Get an iterator over all functions
        forward - if true functions are return in address order, otherwise backwards address order
        an iterator over all currently defined functions.
      • getFunctions

        FunctionIterator getFunctions​(Address start,
                                      boolean forward)
        Get an iterator over all functions starting at address
        start - the address to start iterating at.
        forward - if true functions are return in address order, otherwise backwards address order
        an iterator over functions
      • getFunctions

        FunctionIterator getFunctions​(AddressSetView asv,
                                      boolean forward)
        Get an iterator over all functions with entry points in the address set.
        asv - the set of addresses to iterator function entry points over.
        forward - if true functions are return in address order, otherwise backwards address order
        an iterator over functions
      • isInFunction

        boolean isInFunction​(Address addr)
        Check if an address is contained in a function
        addr - address to test
        true if this address is in one or more functions
      • getCommentHistory

        CommentHistory[] getCommentHistory​(Address addr,
                                           int commentType)
        Get the comment history for comments at the given address.
        addr - address for comments
        commentType - comment type defined in CodeUnit
        array of comment history records