Interface Instruction

    • Method Detail

      • getRegister

        Register getRegister​(int opIndex)
        If operand is a pure Register, return the register.
        opIndex - index of the operand.
        A register if the operand represents a register.
      • getOpObjects

        java.lang.Object[] getOpObjects​(int opIndex)
        Get objects used by this operand (Address, Scalar, Register ...)
        opIndex - index of the operand.
      • getInputObjects

        java.lang.Object[] getInputObjects()
        Get the Input objects used by this instruction. These could be Scalars, Registers, Addresses
        an array of objects that are used by this instruction
      • getResultObjects

        java.lang.Object[] getResultObjects()
        Get the Result objects produced/affected by this instruction These would probably only be Register or Address
        an array of objects that are affected by this instruction
      • getDefaultOperandRepresentation

        java.lang.String getDefaultOperandRepresentation​(int opIndex)
        Get the operand representation for the given operand index without markup.
        opIndex - operand index
        operand represented as a string.
      • getDefaultOperandRepresentationList

        java.util.List<java.lang.Object> getDefaultOperandRepresentationList​(int opIndex)
        Get the operand representation for the given operand index. A list of Register, Address, Scalar, Character and String objects is returned - without markup!
        opIndex - operand index
        ArrayList of pieces of the operand representation. Unsupported languages may return null.
      • getSeparator

        java.lang.String getSeparator​(int opIndex)
        Get the separator strings between an operand. The separator string for 0 are the characters before the first operand. The separator string for numOperands+1 are the characters after the last operand.
        opIndex - valid values are 0 thru numOperands+1
        separator string, or null if there is no string
      • getOperandType

        int getOperandType​(int opIndex)
        Get the type of a specific operand.
        opIndex - the index of the operand. (zero based)
        the type of the operand.
        See Also:
      • getOperandRefType

        RefType getOperandRefType​(int index)
        Get the operand reference type for the given operand index.
        index - operand index
      • getDefaultFallThroughOffset

        int getDefaultFallThroughOffset()
        Get default fall-through offset in bytes from start of instruction to the fallthrough instruction. This accounts for any instructions contained with delay slots.
        default fall-through offset or zero (0) if instruction has no fallthrough
      • getDefaultFallThrough

        Address getDefaultFallThrough()
        Get the default fallthrough for this instruction. This accounts for any instructions contained with delay slots.
        fall-through address or null if instruction has no default fallthrough
      • getFallThrough

        Address getFallThrough()
        Get the fallthrough for this instruction, factoring in any fallthrough override and delay slotted instructions.
        fall-through address or null if instruction has no fallthrough
      • getFallFrom

        Address getFallFrom()
        Get the Address for the instruction that fell through to this instruction. This is useful for handling instructions that are found in a delay slot.
      • getFlows

        Address[] getFlows()
        Get an array of Address objects for all flows other than a fall-through. This will include any flow references which have been added to the instruction.
        flow addresses or null if there are no flows
      • getDefaultFlows

        Address[] getDefaultFlows()
        Get an array of Address objects for all default flows established by the underlying instruction prototype. References are ignored.
        flow addresses or null if there are no flows
      • getFlowType

        FlowType getFlowType()
        Get the flow type of this instruction (how this instruction flows to the next instruction).
      • isFallthrough

        boolean isFallthrough()
        Returns true if this instruction has no execution flow other than fall-through.
      • hasFallthrough

        boolean hasFallthrough()
        Returns true if this instruction has a fall-through flow.
      • getFlowOverride

        FlowOverride getFlowOverride()
        Returns the flow override which may have been set on this instruction.
      • setFlowOverride

        void setFlowOverride​(FlowOverride flowOverride)
        Set the flow override for this instruction.
        flowOverride -
      • getPcode

        PcodeOp[] getPcode()
        Get an array of PCode operations (micro code) that this instruction performs. Flow overrides are not factored into pcode.
        an array of Pcode operations, a zero length array if the language does not support PCode
      • getPcode

        PcodeOp[] getPcode​(boolean includeOverrides)
        Get an array of PCode operations (micro code) that this instruction performs. NOTE: If includeOverrides is true, unique temporary varnodes may be produced which vary in size to those produced for other instructions. If your analysis is sensitive to this you should consider using InstructionPrototype.getPcode(InstructionContext, PcodeOverride, UniqueAddressFactory) instead with your own UniqueAddressFactory to prevent duplication within your scope of analysis. by this method may not be suitable for use with certain analysis
        includeOverrides - if true any flow overrides will be factored into generated pcode.
        an array of Pcode operations, a zero length array if the language does not support PCode
      • getPcode

        PcodeOp[] getPcode​(int opIndex)
        Get an array of PCode operations (micro code) that a particular operand performs to compute its value.
        opIndex - index of the operand to retrieve PCode
        an array of PCode operations, a zero length array if the language does not support PCode
      • getDelaySlotDepth

        int getDelaySlotDepth()
        Get the number of delay slot instructions for this argument. This should be 0 for instructions which don't have a delay slot. This is used to support the delay slots found on some RISC processors such as SPARC and the PA-RISC. This returns an integer instead of a boolean in case some other processor executes more than one instruction from a delay slot.
      • isInDelaySlot

        boolean isInDelaySlot()
        Return true if this instruction was disassembled in a delay slot
      • getNext

        Instruction getNext()
        Get the instruction following this one in address order.
      • getPrevious

        Instruction getPrevious()
        Get the instruction before this one in address order.
      • setFallThrough

        void setFallThrough​(Address addr)
        Overrides the instruction's default fallthrough address to the given address. The given address may be null to indicate that the instruction has no fallthrough.
        addr - the address to be used as this instructions fallthrough address. May be null.
      • clearFallThroughOverride

        void clearFallThroughOverride()
        Restores this instruction's fallthrough address back to the default fallthrough for this instruction.
      • isFallThroughOverridden

        boolean isFallThroughOverridden()
        Returns true if this instructions fallthrough has been overriden.
      • getInstructionContext

        InstructionContext getInstructionContext()
        the instruction context for this instruction