Class PcodeEmulator
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
This is a simple concrete bytes emulator suitable for unit testing and scripting. More complex
use cases likely benefit by extending this or one of its super types. Likewise, the factory
methods will likely instantiate classes which extend the default or one of its super types. When
creating such an extension, it helps to refer to this default implementation to understand the
overall architecture of an emulator. The emulator was designed using hierarchies of abstract
classes each extension incorporating more complexity (and restrictions) finally culminating here.
Every class should be extensible and have overridable factory methods so that those extensions
can be incorporated into even more capable emulators. Furthermore, many components, e.g.,
were designed with composition in mind. Referring to examples, it is
straightforward to extend the emulator via composition. Consider using AuxPcodeEmulator
or one of its derivatives to create a concrete-plus-auxiliary style emulator.
emulator :PcodeMachine
- language :SleighLanguage
- arithmetic :PcodeArithmetic
- sharedState :PcodeExecutorState
- library :PcodeUseropLibrary
- injects :Map<Address,
- threads :List<
- [0] :PcodeThread
- decoder :InstructionDecoder
- executor :PcodeExecutor
- frame :PcodeFrame
- localState :PcodeExecutorState
- library :PcodeUseropLibrary
- injects :Map<Address,
- [1] ...
The root object of an emulator is the PcodeEmulator
, usually ascribed the type
. At the very least, it must know the language of the processor it emulates.
It then derives appropriate arithmetic definitions, a shared (memory) state, and a shared userop
library. Initially, the machine has no threads. For many use cases creating a single
suffices; however, this default implementation models multi-threaded
execution "out of the box." Upon creation, each thread is assigned a local (register) state, and
a userop library for controlling that particular thread. The thread's full state and userop
library are composed from the machine's shared components and that thread's particular
components. For state, the composition directs memory accesses to the machine's state and
register accesses to the thread's state. (Accesses to the "unique" space are also directed to the
thread's state.) This properly emulates the thread semantics of most platforms. For the userop
library, composition is achieved via PcodeUseropLibrary.compose(PcodeUseropLibrary)
Thus, each invocation is directed to the library that exports the invoked userop.
Each thread creates an InstructionDecoder
and a PcodeExecutor
, providing the
kernel of p-code emulation for that thread. That executor is bound to the thread's composed
state, and to the machine's arithmetic. Together, the state and the arithmetic "define" all the
p-code ops that the executor can invoke. Unsurprisingly, arithmetic operations are delegated to
the PcodeArithmetic
, and state operations (including memory operations and temporary
variable access) are delegated to the PcodeExecutorState
. The core execution loop easily
follows: 1) decode the current instruction, 2) generate that instruction's p-code, 3) feed the
code to the executor, 4) resolve the outcome and advance the program counter, then 5) repeat. So
long as the arithmetic and state objects agree in type, a p-code machine can be readily
implemented to manipulate values of that type.
This concrete emulator chooses a BytesPcodeArithmetic
based on the endianness of the
target language. Its threads are BytesPcodeThread
. The shared and thread-local states are
all BytesPcodeExecutorState
. That pieces of that state can be extended to read through to
some other backing object. For example, the memory state could read through to an imported
program image, which allows the emulator's memory to be loaded lazily.
The default userop library is empty. For many use cases, it will be necessary to override
if only to implement the language-defined userops. If needed,
simulation of the host operating system is typically achieved by implementing the syscall
userop. The fidelity of that simulation depends on the use case. See the SystemEmulation module
to see what simulators are available "out of the box."
Alternatively, if the target program never invokes system calls directly, but rather via
system-provided APIs, then it may suffice to stub out those imports. Typically, Ghidra will place
a "thunk" at each import address with the name of the import. Stubbing an import is accomplished
by injecting p-code at the import address. See PcodeMachine.inject(Address, String)
. The
inject will need to replicate the semantics of that call to the desired fidelity.
IMPORTANT: The inject must also return control to the calling function, usually by
replicating the conventions of the target platform.
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface ghidra.pcode.emu.PcodeMachine
PcodeMachine.AccessKind, PcodeMachine.SwiMode
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class ghidra.pcode.emu.AbstractPcodeMachine
accessBreakpoints, arithmetic, injects, language, library, stubLibrary, suspended, swiMode, threads, threadsView
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected PcodeArithmetic
<byte[]> A factory method to create the arithmetic used by this machineprotected PcodeExecutorState
<byte[]> createLocalState
(PcodeThread<byte[]> thread) A factory method to create the (register) state local to the given threadprotected PcodeExecutorState
<byte[]> A factory method to create the (memory) state shared by all threads in this machineprotected BytesPcodeThread
(String name) A factory method to create a new thread in this machineprotected PcodeUseropLibrary
<byte[]> A factory method to create the userop library shared by all threads in this machineMethods inherited from class ghidra.pcode.emu.AbstractPcodeMachine
addAccessBreakpoint, addBreakpoint, assertSleigh, checkLoad, checkStore, clearAccessBreakpoints, clearAllInjects, clearInject, compileSleigh, createThreadStubLibrary, doPluggableInitialization, getAllThreads, getArithmetic, getInject, getLanguage, getPluggableInitializer, getSharedState, getSoftwareInterruptMode, getStubUseropLibrary, getThread, getUseropLibrary, inject, isSuspended, newThread, newThread, setSoftwareInterruptMode, setSuspended, stepped, swi
Constructor Details
Construct a new concrete emulatorYes, it is customary to invoke this constructor directly.
- Parameters:
- the language of the target processor
Method Details
Description copied from class:AbstractPcodeMachine
A factory method to create the arithmetic used by this machine- Specified by:
in classAbstractPcodeMachine<byte[]>
- Returns:
- the arithmetic
Description copied from class:AbstractPcodeMachine
A factory method to create a new thread in this machine- Overrides:
in classAbstractPcodeMachine<byte[]>
- Parameters:
- the name of the new thread- Returns:
- the new thread
- See Also:
Description copied from class:AbstractPcodeMachine
A factory method to create the (register) state local to the given thread- Specified by:
in classAbstractPcodeMachine<byte[]>
- Parameters:
- the thread- Returns:
- the thread-local state
Description copied from class:AbstractPcodeMachine
A factory method to create the userop library shared by all threads in this machine- Specified by:
in classAbstractPcodeMachine<byte[]>
- Returns:
- the library