Interface PcodeExecutorState<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of offsets and values
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BytesPcodeExecutorState, DefaultPcodeExecutorState, JitDataFlowState, JitDefaultBytesPcodeExecutorState, JitThreadBytesPcodeExecutorState, PairedPcodeExecutorState, ThreadPcodeExecutorState

public interface PcodeExecutorState<T> extends PcodeExecutorStatePiece<T,T>
An interface that provides storage for values of type T

This is not much more than a stricter form of PcodeExecutorStatePiece, in that it requires the value and address offset types to agree, so that a p-code executor or emulator can perform loads and stores using indirect addresses. The typical pattern for implementing a state is to compose it from pieces. See PcodeExecutorStatePiece.