Class Option

Direct Known Subclasses:
DomainFolderOption, LibrarySearchPathDummyOption

public class Option extends Object
Container class to hold a name, value, and class of the value.
  • Constructor Details

    • Option

      public Option(String name, Object value)
      Construct a new Option.
      name - name of the option
      value - value of the option. Value can't be null with this constructor.
      IllegalArgumentException - if value is null
    • Option

      public Option(String group, String name, Object value)
      Construct a new Option.
      group - Name for group of options
      name - name of the option
      value - value of the option
      IllegalArgumentException - if value is null
    • Option

      public Option(String name, Class<?> valueClass)
      Construct a new Option.
      name - name of the option
      valueClass - class of the option's value
    • Option

      public Option(String name, Object value, Class<?> valueClass, String arg)
      Construct a new Option
      name - name of the option
      value - value of the option
      valueClass - class of the option's value
      arg - the option's command line argument
    • Option

      public Option(String name, Class<?> valueClass, Object value, String arg, String group)
      Construct a new Option
      name - name of the option
      valueClass - class of the option's value
      value - value of the option
      arg - the option's command line argument
      group - Name for group of options
    • Option

      public Option(String name, Class<?> valueClass, Object value, String arg, String group, String stateKey, boolean hidden)
      Construct a new Option
      name - name of the option
      valueClass - class of the option's value
      value - value of the option
      arg - the option's command line argument
      group - Name for group of options
      stateKey - state key name
      hidden - true if this option should be hidden from the user; otherwise, false
  • Method Details

    • setOptionListener

      public void setOptionListener(OptionListener listener)
    • getCustomEditorComponent

      public Component getCustomEditorComponent()
      Override if you want to provide a custom widget for selecting your options.

      Important! If you override this you MUST also override the copy() method so it returns a new instance of your custom editor.

      the custom editor
    • getValueClass

      public Class<?> getValueClass()
      Returns the class of the value for this option.
      the class of the value for this option
    • getGroup

      public String getGroup()
      Returns the group name for this option; may be null if group was not specified.
      the group name for this option; may be null if group was not specified
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of this option.
      the name of this option
    • getValue

      public Object getValue()
      Returns the value of this option.
      the value of this option
    • setValue

      public void setValue(Object object)
      Set the value for this option.
      object - value of this option
    • parseAndSetValueByType

      public boolean parseAndSetValueByType(String str, AddressFactory addressFactory)
      Set the value for this option by parsing the given string and converting it to the option's type. Fails if this option doesn't have a type associated with it, or if an unsupported type is needed to be parsed.
      str - The value to set, in string form.
      addressFactory - An address factory to use for when the option trying to be set is an Address. If null, an exception will be thrown for Address type options.
      True if the value was successfully parsed and set; otherwise, false.
    • getArg

      public String getArg()
      Returns the command line argument for this option (could be null).
      the command line argument for this option (could be null)
    • getStateKey

      public String getStateKey()
      Returns the state key name (could be null).
      the state key name (could be null)
    • getState

      public SaveState getState()
      Returns the current project state associated with this option (could be null).
      the current project state associated with this option (could be null)
    • isHidden

      public boolean isHidden()
      Returns whether or not this option is hidden.
      whether or not this option is hidden
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • copy

      public Option copy()
      Creates a copy of this Option object.
      a copy of this Option object.