ClassDescriptionDialog used to a label or to edit an existing label.Simple interface for getting an address factory.Input field for entering address or address expression.Base class that can copy bytes into a Transferable object, and paste bytes into a program.Defines a "type" for items in the ClipboardContainer object to keep a relative index, label, and comments.Defines data that is available for drag/drop and clipboard transfers.A container class to hold a color and a style value.Class with a convenience method to get an array of the CodeUnit comment types.A class to perform some of the boilerplate setup of the
that is shared amongst clients that perform decompilation in parallel.Simple interface for getting a DomainObject.Utility class with methods to get comment information that can be displayed in the end of line comment field.Interface for classes that will handle drop actions for files dropped onto the toolHandles drag/drop events on a given component such that a file dropped on the component from the front end tool will cause that file to be opened.A class used to initialize the handling of files that are dropped onto the toolTopics for Help.Provider of Highlight objects appropriateListingField
s.Convenience methods for creating memory blocks.A class to hold utility methods for working with namespaces.Container class to hold a name, value, and class of the value.Exception thrown if there was a problem accessing an Option, or if an informational message is to be conveyed.Notification that an Option changed.Dialog for editing the import options for a selected importer format.Editor Panel for displaying and editing options associated with importing or exporting.Utility class for providing convenience methods for working withOption
's.Callback interface for validating a list of options with values.Miscellanious address space defines for language providers.Generic interface to handle drag and drop."Fake" data generated by the Useful for disassembling and getting an Instruction or creating Data at a location in memory when you don't want the program to be changed.Defines methods for flow as if the code were actually being disassembled.Pseudo (i.e., fake) instruction that is generated by the Disassembler.RepeatInstructionByteTracker
provides pseudo-disassemblers the ability to track repeated bytes during disassembly of a block of instructions.Miscellaneous constantsDefines data that is available for drag/drop and clipboard transfers.Data that is the transferable in SelectionTransferable; it contains an address set and the path of the program.Class for coloring symbols.A convenience object for parsing a namespace path to a symbol.A parser for breaking down namespaces in the presence of complicating factors such as templates.A utility class that creates tool tip text for given data types.Deprecated.deprecated for 10.1; removal for 10.3 or later