Interface Summary Interface Description DatabaseItem DatabaseItem
corresponds to a private or versioned database within a FileSystem.DataFileHandle DataFileHandle
provides a random-access handle to a file.DataFileItem DataFileItem
corresponds to a private serialized data file within a FileSystem.FileSystem FileSystem
provides a hierarchical view and management of a set of files and folders.FileSystemListener FileSystemListener
provides a listener the ability to be notified of folder and file changes within a FileSystem.FolderItem FolderItem
represents an individual file contained within a FileSystem and is uniquely identified by a path string. -
Class Summary Class Description FileIDFactory Factory class for generating unique file ID's.FileSystemEventManager FileSystemListenerList
maintains a list of FileSystemListener's.FileSystemInitializer FileSystemSynchronizer This class is essentially a global flag used to track the long running file system synchronizing operation.ItemCheckoutStatus ItemCheckoutStatus
provides immutable status information for a checked-out item.Version Version
provides immutable information about a specific version of an item. -
Enum Summary Enum Description CheckoutType ChecoutType
identifies the type of checkout -
Exception Summary Exception Description ExclusiveCheckoutException FolderNotEmptyException FolderNotEmptyException
is thrown when an attempt is made to remove a Folder which is not empty.LockException Indicates a failure to obtain a required lock.