Class ImageRuntimeFunctionEntries

  • public class ImageRuntimeFunctionEntries
    extends java.lang.Object
    typedef struct _IMAGE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY { DWORD BeginAddress; DWORD EndAddress; union { DWORD UnwindInfoAddress; DWORD UnwindData; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; } RUNTIME_FUNCTION, *PRUNTIME_FUNCTION, _IMAGE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY, *_PIMAGE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_ENTRY; #define UNW_FLAG_NHANDLER 0x0 #define UNW_FLAG_EHANDLER 0x1 #define UNW_FLAG_UHANDLER 0x2 #define UNW_FLAG_CHAININFO 0x4 typedef struct _UNWIND_INFO { UCHAR Version : 3; UCHAR Flags : 5; UCHAR SizeOfProlog; UCHAR CountOfUnwindCodes; UCHAR FrameRegister : 4; UCHAR FrameOffset : 4; UNWIND_CODE UnwindCode[1]; // // The unwind codes are followed by an optional DWORD aligned field that // contains the exception handler address or the address of chained unwind // information. If an exception handler address is specified, then it is // followed by the language specified exception handler data. // // union { // ULONG ExceptionHandler; // ULONG FunctionEntry; // }; // // ULONG ExceptionData[]; // } UNWIND_INFO, *PUNWIND_INFO;