Interface GTreeDragNDropHandler

    • Method Detail

      • isStartDragOk

        boolean isStartDragOk​(java.util.List<GTreeNode> dragUserData,
                              int dragAction)
        Return true if the dragUserData can be dragged.
        dragUserData - data where user is initiating the drag operation
        dragAction - user action for the drag operation
      • getSupportedDragActions

        int getSupportedDragActions()
        Returns the supported Drag actions for this tree. For available actions see DnDConstants.
        the supported Drag actions.
      • isDropSiteOk

        boolean isDropSiteOk​(GTreeNode destUserData,
                             java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor[] flavors,
                             int dropAction)
        Return true if the drop site is valid for the given target.
        destUserData - destination for node being dragged
        flavors - flavor(s) being dragged
        dropAction - user action for drop operation
      • drop

        void drop​(GTreeNode destUserData,
                  java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable transferable,
                  int dropAction)
        Add the given transferable's data to the destination user data.
        destUserData - destination node for the data.
        transferable - the transferable being dragged whose data will be dropped.
        dropAction - user action for drop operation