AnchoredLayout |
DefaultRowColLocation |
A location used to represent a an edge case where not suitable location can be found and the
client does not wish to return null.
FieldLocation |
Class to represent locations within the FieldViewer.
FieldRange |
Class to a range consisting of a start position within a start row to an end position within an
end row (exclusive).
FieldSelection |
Interface for reporting the FieldViewer selection.
FieldSelectionHelper |
FieldUtils |
A utility class for working with Field objects.
Highlight |
MultiRowLayout |
Handles layouts with muliple rows.
RowColLocation |
Simple class to return a row, column location.
RowLayout |
RowLayout handles a single row layout that may be part of a multiple row layout that
is generic enough to be used by the SingleRowLayout or the MultiRowLayout.
SingleRowLayout |
Convienence class for SingleRowLayout.
ViewerPosition |
Records the current top of screen position of the viewer.