Class FileDataTypeManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
DataTypeManager, FileArchiveBasedDataTypeManager, FileBasedDataTypeManager, Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class FileDataTypeManager extends StandAloneDataTypeManager implements FileArchiveBasedDataTypeManager
DataTypeManager for a file. Can import categories from a file, or export categories to a packed database.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • createFileArchive

      public static FileDataTypeManager createFileArchive(File packedDbfile) throws IOException
      Create a new data-type file archive using the default data organization
      packedDbfile - archive file (filename must end with DataTypeFileManager.SUFFIX)
      data-type manager backed by specified packedDbFile
      IOException - if an IO error occurs
    • createFileArchive

      public static FileDataTypeManager createFileArchive(File packedDbFile, LanguageID languageId, CompilerSpecID compilerSpecId) throws LanguageNotFoundException, CompilerSpecNotFoundException, IOException
      Create a new data-type file archive using the default data organization.
      packedDbFile - archive file (filename must end with DataTypeFileManager.SUFFIX)
      languageId - valid language ID (see appropriate *.ldefs file for defined IDs)
      compilerSpecId - valid compiler spec ID which corresponds to the language ID.
      data-type manager backed by the specified packedDbFile
      DuplicateFileException - if packedDbFile already exists
      LanguageNotFoundException - if specified languageId not defined.
      CompilerSpecNotFoundException - if specified compilerSpecId is not defined for the specified language.
      IOException - if an IO error occurs
    • createFileArchive

      public static FileDataTypeManager createFileArchive(File packedDbfile, String languageId, String compilerSpecId) throws IOException
      Create a new data-type file archive using the default data organization.
      packedDbfile - archive file (filename must end with DataTypeFileManager.SUFFIX)
      languageId - valid language ID (see appropriate *.ldefs file for defined IDs). If null invocation will be deferred to createFileArchive(File).
      compilerSpecId - valid compiler spec ID which corresponds to the language ID.
      data-type manager backed by the specified packedDbFile
      LanguageNotFoundException - if specified languageId not defined.
      CompilerSpecNotFoundException - if specified compilerSpecId is not defined for the specified language.
      IOException - if an IO error occurs
    • openFileArchive

      public static FileDataTypeManager openFileArchive(File packedDbfile, boolean openForUpdate) throws IOException
      Open an existing data-type file archive using the default data organization.

      NOTE: If archive has an assigned architecture, issues may arise due to a revised or missing Language/CompilerSpec which will result in a warning but not prevent the archive from being opened. Such a warning condition will ne logged and may result in missing or stale information for existing datatypes which have architecture related data. In some case it may be appropriate to check for warnings on the returned archive object prior to its use.

      packedDbfile - archive file (filename must end with DataTypeFileManager.SUFFIX)
      openForUpdate - if true archive will be open for update
      data-type manager backed by specified packedDbFile
      IOException - if an IO error occurs
    • openFileArchive

      public static FileDataTypeManager openFileArchive(ResourceFile packedDbfile, boolean openForUpdate) throws IOException
      Open an existing data-type file archive using the default data organization.

      NOTE: If archive has an assigned architecture, issues may arise due to a revised or missing Language/CompilerSpec which will result in a warning but not prevent the archive from being opened. Such a warning condition will ne logged and may result in missing or stale information for existing datatypes which have architecture related data. In some case it may be appropriate to check for warnings on the returned archive object prior to its use.

      packedDbfile - archive file (filename must end with DataTypeFileManager.SUFFIX)
      openForUpdate - if true archive will be open for update
      data-type manager backed by specified packedDbFile
      IOException - if an IO error occurs
    • saveAs

      public void saveAs(File saveFile, UniversalID newUniversalId) throws DuplicateFileException, IOException
      Saves the data type manager to the given file with a specific databaseId. NOTE: This method is intended for use in transforming one archive database to match another existing archive database.
      saveFile - the file to save
      newUniversalId - the new id to use
      DuplicateFileException - if save file already exists
      IOException - if IO error occurs
    • saveAs

      public void saveAs(File saveFile) throws DuplicateFileException, IOException
      Saves the data type manager to the given file
      saveFile - the file to save
      DuplicateFileException - if save file already exists
      IOException - if IO error occurs
    • save

      public void save() throws IOException
      Save the category to source file.
      IOException - if IO error occurs
    • getFilename

      public String getFilename()
      Get the filename for the current file.
      String filename, or null if there is no current file.
    • convertFilename

      public static File convertFilename(File file)
      Convert the filename for the given file to have the packed database file extension.
      file - file whose name is to be converted
      file if the filename already ends in the packed database file extension, or a new File object that has the packed database file extension
    • delete

      public void delete() throws IOException
    • close

      public void close()
      Description copied from interface: DataTypeManager
      Closes this dataType manager
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
      Specified by:
      close in interface DataTypeManager
      close in class StandAloneDataTypeManager
    • isClosed

      public boolean isClosed()
    • finalize

      public void finalize()
      finalize in class StandAloneDataTypeManager
    • delete

      public static void delete(File packedDbfile) throws IOException
    • getPath

      public String getPath()
      Description copied from class: StandAloneDataTypeManager
      Get the path name associated with the storage of this stand alone datatype manager.
      Specified by:
      getPath in interface FileBasedDataTypeManager
      getPath in class StandAloneDataTypeManager
      path name or null if not applicable
    • getType

      public ArchiveType getType()
      Description copied from interface: DataTypeManager
      Returns this manager's archive type
      Specified by:
      getType in interface DataTypeManager
      getType in class StandAloneDataTypeManager
      the type
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object