Class Row<V>

Type Parameters:
V - the vertex type

public class Row<V> extends Object
A row in a grid. This class stores its row index, its y offset and its height. The y value is the layout space y value of a Point2D object. That is, unlike the GridLocationMap, the y value of this object is in layout space and not indexes of a grid.

This class maintains a collection of vertices on this row, organized by column index. You can get the column of a vertex from getColumn(Object)

  • Field Details

    • y

      public int y
      The layout y coordinate of the column
    • height

      public int height
    • index

      public int index
      The grid index of this row (0, 1...n) for the number of rows
  • Method Details

    • setColumn

      public void setColumn(V v, int col)
      Sets the column index in this row for the given vertex
      v - the vertex
      col - the column index
    • getColumn

      public int getColumn(V v)
      Returns the column index for the given vertex
      v - the vertex
      the column index for the given vertex
    • getVertex

      public V getVertex(int column)
      Returns the vertex at the given column index or null if there is no vertex at that column
      column - the column index
      the vertex
    • getColumnCount

      public int getColumnCount()
      Represents the range of columns in this row. For this given row in a grid:
              0 1 2 3 4 5 6
              - - v - v - - 
      the column count is 3--where the column range is 2-4, inclusive.

      Note: this differs from then number of vertices in this row, as the column count includes columns that have no vertex.

      the number of columns in this row, including empty columns between start and end
    • getStartColumn

      public Integer getStartColumn()
      Returns the smallest column index in this row
      the smallest column index in this row
    • getEndColumn

      public int getEndColumn()
      Returns the largest column index in this row
      the largest column index in this row
    • getVertices

      public List<V> getVertices()
      Returns all vertices in this row, sorted by column index (min to max).

      Note: the index of a vertex in the list does not match the column index. To get the column index for a vertex, call getColumn(V).

      all vertices in this row
    • getPaddedHeight

      public int getPaddedHeight(boolean isCondensed)
    • isInitialized

      public boolean isInitialized()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object