Package ghidra.graph

Class VisualGraphComponentProvider<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>,G extends VisualGraph<V,E>>

Type Parameters:
V - the vertex type
E - the edge type
G - the graph type
All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionContextProvider, HelpDescriptor

public abstract class VisualGraphComponentProvider<V extends VisualVertex,E extends VisualEdge<V>,G extends VisualGraph<V,E>> extends ComponentProvider
A base component provider for displaying VisualGraphs

This class will provide many optional sub-features, enabled as desired by calling the various addXyzFeature() methods.

Implementation Notes: to get full functionality, you must:

  • Constructor Details

    • VisualGraphComponentProvider

      protected VisualGraphComponentProvider(Tool tool, String name, String owner)
    • VisualGraphComponentProvider

      protected VisualGraphComponentProvider(Tool tool, String name, String owner, Class<?> contextType)
  • Method Details

    • getView

      public abstract VisualGraphView<V,E,G> getView()
      You must return your graph view from this method
      your graph view
    • componentHidden

      public void componentHidden()
      Description copied from class: ComponentProvider
      Notifies the provider that the component is being hidden. This happens when the provider is being closed.
      componentHidden in class ComponentProvider
    • componentShown

      public void componentShown()
      Description copied from class: ComponentProvider
      Notifies the provider that the component is being shown. This method will be called as the component hierarchy is being created, which means that this provider may not actually be visible to the user at the time of this call.
      componentShown in class ComponentProvider
      See Also:
    • isSatelliteShowing

      public boolean isSatelliteShowing()
      Returns true if the satellite is showing, whether in the graph or undocked
      true if the satellite is showing, whether in the graph or undocked
    • isSatelliteDocked

      public boolean isSatelliteDocked()
      Returns true if the satellite is embedded in the graph view, whether it is showing or not
      true if the satellite is embedded in the graph view, whether it is showing or not
    • getSelectedVertices

      public Set<V> getSelectedVertices()
    • getSatelliteProvider

      protected ComponentProvider getSatelliteProvider()
    • addSatelliteFeature

      protected void addSatelliteFeature()
      Adds the satellite viewer functionality to this provider
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      To be called at the end of this provider's lifecycle
    • writeConfigState

      public void writeConfigState(SaveState saveState)
      Writes this providers saveable state to the given state object
      saveState - the state object into which state is to be written
    • readConfigState

      public void readConfigState(SaveState saveState)
      Reads previously saved state from the given state object
      saveState - the state object that may contain state information for this provider
    • getActionContext

      public ActionContext getActionContext(MouseEvent event)
      Description copied from class: ComponentProvider
      Returns the context object which corresponds to the area of focus within this provider's component. Null is returned when there is no context.
      Specified by:
      getActionContext in interface ActionContextProvider
      getActionContext in class ComponentProvider
      event - popup event which corresponds to this request. May be null for key-stroke or other non-mouse event.