Class DomainObjectListenerBuilder

Builder for creating a compact and efficient DomainObjectListener for DomainObjectChangedEvents

There are three basic ways to process DomainObjectChangeRecords within a DomainObjectChangedEvent.

The first way is to look for the event to contain one or more records of a certain type, and if it is there, do some major refresh operation, and ignore the remaining event records. This is can be handled with an AbstractDomainObjectListenerBuilder.any(EventType...), followed by a AbstractDomainObjectListenerBuilder.AnyBuilder.terminate(Callback) or AbstractDomainObjectListenerBuilder.AnyBuilder.terminate(Consumer) if you want the event.

 new DomainObjectListenerBuilder()
        .any(DomainObjectEvent.RESTORED).call(() -> refreshAll())
or if you need the event, you can use a consumer
 new DomainObjectListenerBuilder()
        .any(DomainObjectEvent.RESTORED).call(e -> refreshAll(e))

The second way is to just test for presence of one or more records of a certain type, and if any of those types exist is the event, call a method. In this case you don't need to know the details of the record, only that one of the given events was fired. This can be handled using the AbstractDomainObjectListenerBuilder.any(EventType...), followed by a call to or

 new DomainObjectListenerBuilder()
        .onAny(ProgramEvent.FUNCTION_CHANGED).call(() -> refreshFunctions())
or if you need the event, you can use a consumer

 new DomainObjectListenerBuilder()
        .onAny(ProgramEvent.FUNCTION_CHANGED).call(e -> refreshFunctions(e))

And finally, the third way is where you have to perform some processing on each record of a certain type. This can be done using the AbstractDomainObjectListenerBuilder.each(EventType...), followed by the if you just want the record, or if you want the record and the event.

By default, the consumer for the "each" case is typed on DomainObjectChangeRecord. But that can be changed by calling AbstractDomainObjectListenerBuilder.with(Class). Once this is called the builder will require that all consumers being passed in will now be typed on that record class.

 new DomainObjectListenerBuilder()
        .each(DomainObjectEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGED).call(r -> processPropertyChanged(r))
        .each(ProgramEvent.SYMBOL_RENANED).call(r -> symbolRenamed(r)

 private void processPropertyChanged(DomainObjectChangeRecord record) {
 private void symbolRenamed(ProgramChangeRecord record) {
or if you also need the event (to get the domainObject that is the event source)
   new DomainObjectListenerBuilder()
        .each(DomainObjectEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGED).call((e, r) -> processPropertyChanged(e, r))
        .each(ProgramEvent.SYMBOL_RENANED).call((e, r) -> symbolRenamed(e, r)

 private void propertyChanged(DomainObjectChangedEvent e, DomainObjectChangeRecord record) {
            Program p = (Program)e.getSource().
 private void symbolRenamed(DomainObjectChangedEvent e, ProgramChangeRecord record) {
            Program p = (Program)e.getSource().