Class LocalFileSystem

All Implemented Interfaces:
GFileHashProvider, GFileSystem, ExtensionPoint, Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class LocalFileSystem extends Object implements GFileSystem, GFileHashProvider
A GFileSystem implementation giving access to the user's operating system's local file system.

This implementation does not have a GFileSystemFactory as this class will be used as the single root filesystem.

Closing() this filesystem does nothing.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • makeGlobalRootFS

      public static LocalFileSystem makeGlobalRootFS()
      Create a new instance
      new LocalFileSystem instance using FSTYPE as its FSRL type.
    • getSubFileSystem

      public LocalFileSystemSub getSubFileSystem(FSRL fsrl) throws IOException
      Creates a new file system instance that is a sub-view limited to the specified directory.
      fsrl - FSRL that must be a directory in this local filesystem
      new LocalFileSystemSub instance
      IOException - if bad FSRL
    • isLocalSubdir

      public boolean isLocalSubdir(FSRL fsrl)
      Returns true if the FSRL is a local filesystem subdirectory.
      fsrl - FSRL to test.
      boolean true if local filesystem directory.
    • getLocalFile

      public File getLocalFile(FSRL fsrl) throws IOException
      Convert a FSRL that points to this file system into a java File.
      fsrl - FSRL
      IOException - if FSRL does not point to this file system
    • getLocalFSRL

      public FSRL getLocalFSRL(File f)
      Converts a File into a FSRL.

      NOTE: The given File's absolute path will be used.

      f - The File to convert to an FSRL
      The FSRL
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: GFileSystem
      File system volume name.

      Typically the name of the container file, or a internally stored 'volume' name.

      Specified by:
      getName in interface GFileSystem
      string filesystem volume name.
    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
    • isStatic

      public boolean isStatic()
      Description copied from interface: GFileSystem
      Indicates if this filesystem is a static snapshot or changes.
      Specified by:
      isStatic in interface GFileSystem
      boolean true if the filesystem is static or false if dynamic content.
    • getListing

      public List<GFile> getListing(GFile directory)
      Description copied from interface: GFileSystem
      Returns a list of files that reside in the specified directory on this filesystem.

      Specified by:
      getListing in interface GFileSystem
      directory - NULL means root of filesystem.
      List of GFile instances of file in the requested directory.
    • getFileAttributes

      public FileAttributes getFileAttributes(GFile file, TaskMonitor monitor)
      Description copied from interface: GFileSystem
      Returns a container of FileAttribute values.

      Implementors of this method are not required to add FSRL, NAME, or PATH values unless the values are non-standard.

      Specified by:
      getFileAttributes in interface GFileSystem
      file - GFile to get the attributes for
      monitor - TaskMonitor
      FileAttributes instance (possibly read-only), maybe empty but never null
    • getFileAttributes

      public FileAttributes getFileAttributes(File f)
      Create a FileAttributes container with info about the specified local file.
      f - File to query
      FileAttributes instance
    • getFSRL

      public FSRLRoot getFSRL()
      Description copied from interface: GFileSystem
      File system's FSRL
      Specified by:
      getFSRL in interface GFileSystem
      FSRLRoot of this filesystem.
    • getRootDir

      public GFile getRootDir()
      Description copied from interface: GFileSystem
      Returns the file system's root directory.

      Note: using null when calling GFileSystem.getListing(GFile) is also valid.

      Specified by:
      getRootDir in interface GFileSystem
      file system's root directory
    • lookup

      public GFile lookup(String path) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: GFileSystem
      Retrieves a GFile from this filesystem based on its full path and filename, using this filesystem's default name comparison logic (eg. case sensitive vs insensitive).

      Specified by:
      lookup in interface GFileSystem
      path - string path and filename of a file located in this filesystem. Use null or "/" to retrieve the root directory
      GFile instance of requested file, null if not found.
      IOException - if IO error when looking up file.
    • lookup

      public GFile lookup(String path, Comparator<String> nameComp) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: GFileSystem
      Retrieves a GFile from this filesystem based on its full path and filename, using the specified name comparison logic (eg. case sensitive vs insensitive).

      Specified by:
      lookup in interface GFileSystem
      path - string path and filename of a file located in this filesystem. Use null or "/" to retrieve the root directory
      nameComp - string comparator used to compare filenames. Use null to specify the file system's native comparison logic.
      GFile instance of requested file, null if not found.
      IOException - if IO error when looking up file.
    • isClosed

      public boolean isClosed()
      Description copied from interface: GFileSystem
      Returns true if the filesystem has been closed
      Specified by:
      isClosed in interface GFileSystem
      boolean true if the filesystem has been closed.
    • getRefManager

      public FileSystemRefManager getRefManager()
      Description copied from interface: GFileSystem
      Returns the ref manager that is responsible for creating and releasing refs to this filesystem.

      Specified by:
      getRefManager in interface GFileSystem
      FileSystemRefManager that manages references to this filesystem.
    • getInputStream

      public InputStream getInputStream(GFile file, TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: GFileSystem
      Returns an InputStream that contains the contents of the specified GFile.

      The caller is responsible for closing the stream.

      Specified by:
      getInputStream in interface GFileSystem
      file - GFile to get an InputStream for
      monitor - TaskMonitor to watch and update progress
      new InputStream contains the contents of the file or NULL if the file doesn't have data.
      IOException - if IO problem
    • getByteProvider

      public ByteProvider getByteProvider(GFile file, TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: GFileSystem
      Returns a ByteProvider that contains the contents of the specified GFile.

      The caller is responsible for closing the provider.

      Specified by:
      getByteProvider in interface GFileSystem
      file - GFile to get bytes for
      monitor - TaskMonitor to watch and update progress
      new ByteProvider that contains the contents of the file, or NULL if file doesn't have data
      IOException - if error
    • resolveSymlinks

      public GFile resolveSymlinks(GFile file) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: GFileSystem
      Converts the specified (symlink) file into it's destination, or if not a symlink, returns the original file unchanged.
      Specified by:
      resolveSymlinks in interface GFileSystem
      file - symlink file to follow
      destination of symlink, or original file if not a symlink
      IOException - if error following symlink path, typically outside of the hosting file system
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getMD5Hash

      public String getMD5Hash(GFile file, boolean required, TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException, IOException
      Description copied from interface: GFileHashProvider
      Returns the MD5 hash of the specified file.
      Specified by:
      getMD5Hash in interface GFileHashProvider
      file - the GFile
      required - boolean flag, if true the hash will always be returned, even if it has to be calculated. If false, the hash will be returned if easily available
      monitor - TaskMonitor
      MD5 hash as a string
      CancelledException - if cancelled
      IOException - if error
    • lookupFile

      public static File lookupFile(File baseDir, String path, Comparator<String> nameComp)
      Looks up a file, by its string path, using a custom comparator.

      If any element of the path, or the filename are not found, returns a null.

      A null custom comparator avoids testing each element of the directory path and instead relies on the native local file system's name matching.

      baseDir - optional directory to start lookup at
      path - String path
      nameComp - optional Comparator that will compare filenames, or null to use native local file system lookup (eg. case-insensitive on windows)
      File that points to the requested path, or null if file was not present on the local filesystem (because it doesn't exist, or the name comparison function rejected it)