Class DyldCacheSlideInfoCommon

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DyldCacheSlideInfo1, DyldCacheSlideInfo2, DyldCacheSlideInfo3, DyldCacheSlideInfo4, DyldCacheSlideInfo5

public abstract class DyldCacheSlideInfoCommon extends Object implements StructConverter
Class for representing the common components of the various dyld_cache_slide_info structures. The intent is for the full dyld_cache_slide_info structures to extend this and add their specific parts.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int DATA_PAGE_MAP_ENTRY
      See Also:

      public static final int BYTES_PER_CHAIN_OFFSET
      See Also:

      public static final int CHAIN_OFFSET_MASK
      See Also:
    • version

      protected int version
    • slideInfoOffset

      protected long slideInfoOffset
    • mappingAddress

      protected long mappingAddress
    • mappingSize

      protected long mappingSize
    • mappingFileOffset

      protected long mappingFileOffset
  • Constructor Details

    • DyldCacheSlideInfoCommon

      public DyldCacheSlideInfoCommon(BinaryReader reader, long mappingAddress, long mappingSize, long mappingFileOffset) throws IOException
      reader - A BinaryReader positioned at the start of a DYLD slide info
      mappingAddress - The base address of where the slide fixups will take place
      mappingSize - The size of the slide fixups block
      mappingFileOffset - The base file offset of where the slide fixups will take place
      IOException - if there was an IO-related problem creating the DYLD slide info
  • Method Details

    • parseSlideInfo

      public static DyldCacheSlideInfoCommon parseSlideInfo(BinaryReader reader, long slideInfoOffset, long mappingAddress, long mappingSize, long mappingFileOffset, MessageLog log, TaskMonitor monitor)
      Parses the slide info
      reader - A BinaryReader positioned at the start of a DYLD slide info
      slideInfoOffset - The offset of the slide info to parse
      mappingAddress - The base address of where the slide fixups will take place
      mappingSize - The size of the slide fixups block
      mappingFileOffset - The base file offset of where the slide fixups will take place
      log - The log
      monitor - A cancelable task monitor
      The slide info object
    • getVersion

      public int getVersion()
      Returns The version of the DYLD slide info.
      The version of the DYLD slide info
    • getSlideInfoOffset

      public long getSlideInfoOffset()
      Returns The original slide info offset.
      The original slide info offset
    • getMappingAddress

      public long getMappingAddress()
      Returns The base address of where the slide fixups will take place.
      The base address of where the slide fixups will take place
    • getMappingSize

      public long getMappingSize()
      Returns The size of the slide fixups block.
      The size of the slide fixups block
    • getMappingFileOffset

      public long getMappingFileOffset()
      Returns The base file offset of where the slide fixups will take place.
      The base file offset of where the slide fixups will take place
    • getSlideFixups

      public abstract List<DyldFixup> getSlideFixups(BinaryReader reader, int pointerSize, MessageLog log, TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException, CancelledException
      Walks the slide fixup information and collects a List of DyldFixups that will need to be applied to the image
      reader - A BinaryReader positioned at the start of the segment to fix up
      pointerSize - The size of a pointer in bytes
      log - The log
      monitor - A cancellable monitor
      A List of DyldFixups
      IOException - If there was an IO-related issue
      CancelledException - If the user cancelled the operation
    • fixupSlidePointers

      public void fixupSlidePointers(Program program, boolean markup, boolean addRelocations, MessageLog log, TaskMonitor monitor) throws MemoryAccessException, CancelledException
      Fixes up the program's slide pointers
      program - The Program
      markup - True if the slide pointers should be marked up; otherwise, false
      addRelocations - True if slide pointer locations should be added to the relocation table; otherwise, false
      log - The log
      monitor - A cancellable monitor
      MemoryAccessException - If there was a problem accessing memory
      CancelledException - If the user cancelled the operation
    • toDataType

      public DataType toDataType() throws DuplicateNameException, IOException
      Description copied from interface: StructConverter
      Returns a structure datatype representing the contents of the implementor of this interface.

      For example, given:

       class A {
           int foo;
           double bar;

      The return value should be a structure data type with two data type components; an INT and a DOUBLE. The structure should contain field names and, if possible, field comments.

      Specified by:
      toDataType in interface StructConverter
      returns a structure datatype representing the implementor of this interface
      DuplicateNameException - when a datatype of the same name already exists
      IOException - if an IO-related error occurs
      See Also: