Interface StringTranslationService

public interface StringTranslationService
Interface for providing string translating services.

Implementations of this interface are usually done via a Plugin and then registered via Plugin's registerServiceProvided().

Consumers of this service should expect multiple instance types to be returned from PluginTool.getServices(Class), and should add a service listener via PluginTool.addServiceListener(ghidra.framework.plugintool.util.ServiceListener) if service instances are retained to be notified when service instances are changed.

  • Method Details

    • getCurrentStringTranslationServices

      static List<StringTranslationService> getCurrentStringTranslationServices(PluginTool tool)
      Returns a sorted list of the currently enabled StringTranslationService service providers.
      tool - PluginTool
      sorted list of currently enabled StringTranslationServices
    • getTranslationServiceName

      String getTranslationServiceName()
      Returns the name of this translation service. Used when building menus to allow the user to pick a translation service.
      string name.
    • getHelpLocation

      default HelpLocation getHelpLocation()
      Returns the HelpLocation instance that describes where to direct the user for help when they hit f1.
      HelpLocation instance or null.
    • translate

      void translate(Program program, List<ProgramLocation> stringLocations, StringTranslationService.TranslateOptions options)
      Requests this translation service to translate the specified string data instances.

      The implementation generally should not block when performing this action.

      program - the program containing the data instances.
      stringLocations - List of string locations.
      options - StringTranslationService.TranslateOptions
    • createStringTranslationServiceHelpLocation

      static HelpLocation createStringTranslationServiceHelpLocation(Class<? extends Plugin> pluginClass, StringTranslationService sts)
      Helper that creates a HelpLocation based on the plugin and sts.
      pluginClass - Plugin that provides the string translation service
      sts - StringTranslationService
      HelpLocation with topic equal to the plugin name and anchor something like "MyTranslationServiceName_String_Translation_Service".