AbstractDependencyGraph<T> |
Class for managing the visiting (processing) of a set of values where some values depend
on other values being process before them.
AddableLongDoubleHashtable |
This class modifies the behavior of LongDoubleHashtable.
AddableLongIntHashtable |
This class modifies the behavior of LongIntHashtable.
DependencyGraph<T> |
Original Dependency Graph implementation that uses HashMap s and HashSet s.
DepthFirstSearch |
Provides a depth first search service to directed graphs.
DeterministicDependencyGraph<T> |
DirectedGraph |
Base implementation of a directed graph.
Dominator |
Title: Dominator
Description: This class contains the functions necessary to build the
dominance graph of a FlowGraph, ShrinkWrap or Modularized Graph.
Edge |
An Edge joins a pair of vertices.
KeyedObjectFactory |
The KeyedObjectFactory class is responsible for ensuring that no two
vertices or edges have the same keys.
Path |
SimpleWeightedDigraph |
A simple graph is a graph with no parallel edges or loops.
Vertex |
An implementation of vertices for use in ghidra.util.graph.
WeightedDigraph |
DirectedGraph with edge weights.