Interface RangeMapAdapter

    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        byte[] getValue​(Address address)
        Returns the byte array that has been associated with the given index.
        address - the address at which to retrieve a byte array.
        the byte array that has been associated with the given index or null if no such association exists.
      • moveAddressRange

        void moveAddressRange​(Address fromAddr,
                              Address toAddr,
                              long length,
                              TaskMonitor monitor)
                       throws CancelledException
        Move all values within an address range to a new range.
        fromAddr - the first address of the range to be moved.
        toAddr - the address where to the range is to be moved.
        length - the number of addresses to move.
        monitor - the task monitor.
        CancelledException - if the user canceled the operation via the task monitor.
      • set

        void set​(Address start,
                 Address end,
                 byte[] bytes)
        Associates the given byte array with all indexes in the given range. Any existing values will be over written.
        start - the first address in the range.
        end - the last Address(inclusive) in the range.
        bytes - the bytes to associate with the range.
      • getAddressRangeIterator

        AddressRangeIterator getAddressRangeIterator​(Address start,
                                                     Address end)
        Returns an IndexRangeIterator over all stored values in the given range. If the given range intersects an actual stored range either at the beginning or end, the iterator will return those ranges truncated to fit within the given range.
        start - the first Address in the range.
        end - the last Address (inclusive) index in the range.
        an IndexRangeIterator over all stored values.
      • clearRange

        void clearRange​(Address start,
                        Address end)
        Clears all associated values in the given range.
        start - the first address in the range to clear.
        end - the end address in the range to clear.
      • clearAll

        void clearAll()
        Clears all values.
      • isEmpty

        boolean isEmpty()
        Returns true if this storage has no associated values for any address
        true if this storage has no associated values for any address
      • getValueRangeContaining

        AddressRange getValueRangeContaining​(Address addr)
        Returns the bounding address-range containing addr and the the same value throughout. This range will be limited by any value change associated with the base register.
        addr - the containing address
        single value address-range containing addr
      • checkWritableState

        void checkWritableState()
        Verify that adapter is in a writable state (i.e., valid transaction has been started).
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if not in a writable state