Class VariableUtilities

  • public class VariableUtilities
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Detail

      • getPrecedence

        public static int getPrecedence​(Variable var)
        Get a precedence value for the specified variable. This value can be used to assist with LocalVariable.compareTo(Variable var)
        var -
        numeric precedence
      • storageMatches

        public static boolean storageMatches​(java.util.List<Variable> vars,
                                             java.util.List<Variable> otherVars)
        Compare storage varnodes for two lists of variables. No check is done to ensure that storage is considered good/valid (i.e., BAD_STORAGE, UNASSIGNED_STORAGE and VOID_STORAGE all have an empty varnode list and would be considered a match)
        vars -
        otherVars -
        true if the exact sequence of variable storage varnodes matches across two lists of variables.
      • storageMatches

        public static boolean storageMatches​(java.util.List<? extends Variable> vars,
                                             Variable... otherVars)
        Compare storage varnodes for two lists of variables. No check is done to ensure that storage is considered good/valid (i.e., BAD_STORAGE, UNASSIGNED_STORAGE and VOID_STORAGE all have an empty varnode list and would be considered a match)
        vars -
        otherVars -
        true if the exact sequence of variable storage varnodes matches across two lists of variables.
      • compare

        public static int compare​(Variable v1,
                                  Variable v2)
        Compare two variables without using the instance specific compareTo method.
        v1 -
        v2 -
        a negative value if v1 < v2, 0 if equal, and positive if v1 > v2
      • getAutoDataType

        public static DataType getAutoDataType​(Function function,
                                               DataType returnDataType,
                                               VariableStorage storage)
        Determine the appropriate data type for an automatic parameter
        function -
        returnDataType -
        storage - variable storage for an auto-parameter (isAutoStorage should be true)
        auto-parameter data type
      • checkDataType

        public static DataType checkDataType​(DataType dataType,
                                             boolean voidOK,
                                             int defaultSize,
                                             DataTypeManager dtMgr)
                                      throws InvalidInputException
        Check the specified datatype for use as a return, parameter or variable type. It may not be suitable for other uses. The following datatypes will be mutated into a default pointer datatype:
        • Function definition datatype
        • An unsized/zero-element array
        dataType - datatype to be checked
        voidOK - true if checking return datatype and void is allow, else false.
        defaultSize - Undefined datatype size to be used if specified datatype is null. A value less than 1 will result in the DEFAULT data type being returned (i.e., "undefined").
        dtMgr - target datatype manager (null permitted which will adopt default data organization)
        cloned/mutated datatype suitable for function parameters and variables (including function return data type).
        InvalidInputException - if an unacceptable datatype was specified
      • checkDataType

        public static DataType checkDataType​(DataType dataType,
                                             boolean voidOK,
                                             int defaultSize,
                                             Program program)
                                      throws InvalidInputException
        Check the specified datatype for use as a return, parameter or variable type. It may not be suitable for other uses. The following datatypes will be mutated into a default pointer datatype:
        • Function definition datatype
        • An unsized/zero-element array
        dataType - datatype to be checked
        voidOK - true if checking return datatype and void is allow, else false.
        defaultSize - Undefined datatype size to be used if specified datatype is null. A value less than 1 will result in the DEFAULT data type being returned (i.e., "undefined").
        program - target program
        cloned/mutated datatype suitable for function parameters and variables (including function return data type).
        InvalidInputException - if an unacceptable datatype was specified
      • checkDataType

        public static DataType checkDataType​(DataType dataType,
                                             boolean voidOK,
                                             DataTypeManager dtMgr)
                                      throws InvalidInputException
        Check the specified datatype for use as a return, parameter or variable type. It may not be suitable for other uses. The following datatypes will be mutated into a default pointer datatype:
        • Function definition datatype
        • An unsized/zero-element array
        dataType - datatype to be checked. If null is specified the DEFAULT datatype will be returned.
        voidOK - true if checking return datatype and void is allow, else false.
        dtMgr - target datatype manager (null permitted which will adopt default data organization)
        cloned/mutated datatype suitable for function parameters and variables (including function return data type).
        InvalidInputException - if an unacceptable datatype was specified
      • resizeStorage

        public static VariableStorage resizeStorage​(VariableStorage curStorage,
                                                    DataType dataType,
                                                    boolean alignStack,
                                                    Function function)
                                             throws InvalidInputException
        Perform resize variable storage to desired newSize. This method has limited ability to grow storage if current storage does not have a stack component or if other space constraints are exceeded.
        curStorage -
        dataType -
        alignStack - if false no attempt is made to align stack usage for big-endian
        function -
        resize storage
        InvalidInputException - if unable to resize storage to specified size.
      • checkVariableConflict

        public static void checkVariableConflict​(Function function,
                                                 Variable var,
                                                 VariableStorage newStorage,
                                                 boolean deleteConflictingVariables)
                                          throws VariableSizeException
        Check for variable storage conflict and optionally remove conflicting variables.
        function -
        var - existing function variable or null for new variable
        newStorage - new/updated variable storage
        deleteConflictingVariables -
        VariableSizeException - if deleteConflictingVariables is false and another variable conflicts
      • getBaseStackParamOffset

        public static java.lang.Integer getBaseStackParamOffset​(Function function)
        Determine the minimum stack offset for parameters
        function -
        stack parameter offset or null if it could not be determined
      • getThisParameter

        public static ParameterImpl getThisParameter​(Function function,
                                                     PrototypeModel convention)
        should rely on auto-param instead - try not to use this method which may be eliminated
        Generate a suitable 'this' parameter for the specified function
        function -
        this parameter or null of calling convention is not a 'thiscall' or some other error prevents it
      • findOrCreateClassStruct

        public static Structure findOrCreateClassStruct​(GhidraClass classNamespace,
                                                        DataTypeManager dataTypeManager)
        Find the structure data type which corresponds to the specified class namespace within the specified data type manager. The preferred structure will utilize a namespace-based category path, however, the match criteria can be fuzzy and relies primarily on the class name. While a new empty structure may be returned, it will not be added to the program's data type manager.
        classNamespace - class namespace
        dataTypeManager - data type manager which should be searched and whose data organization should be used.
        new or existing structure whose name matches the specified class namespace
      • findOrCreateClassStruct

        public static Structure findOrCreateClassStruct​(Function function)
        Find the structure data type which corresponds to the specified function's class namespace within the function's program. One will be instantiated if not found. The preferred structure will utilize a namespace-based category path, however, the match criteria can be fuzzy and relies primarily on the class name.
        function - function's whose class namespace is the basis for the structure
        new or existing structure whose name matches the function's class namespace or null if function not contained within a class namespace.
      • findExistingClassStruct

        public static Structure findExistingClassStruct​(GhidraClass classNamespace,
                                                        DataTypeManager dataTypeManager)
        Find the structure data type which corresponds to the specified class namespace within the specified data type manager. . The preferred structure will utilize a namespace-based category path, however, the match criteria can be fuzzy and relies primarily on the class name.
        classNamespace - class namespace
        dataTypeManager - data type manager which should be searched.
        existing structure whose name matches the specified class namespace or null if not found.
      • findExistingClassStruct

        public static Structure findExistingClassStruct​(Function func)
        Find the structure data type which corresponds to the specified function's class namespace within the function's program. The preferred structure will utilize a namespace-based category path, however, the match criteria can be fuzzy and relies primarily on the class name.
        func - the function.
        existing structure whose name matches the specified function's class namespace or null if not found.
      • equivalentVariableArrays

        public static boolean equivalentVariableArrays​(Variable[] vars1,
                                                       Variable[] vars2)
      • equivalentVariables

        public static boolean equivalentVariables​(Variable var1,
                                                  Variable var2)