AllBytesHashCalculator |
Hash function hashing all the bytes of an individual Instruction
Block |
This class holds basic-block information for matching algorithms.
DisambiguateByBytes |
Attempt to disambiguate similar n-grams by hashing over all the bytes in their constituent instructions.
DisambiguateByChild |
Attempt to disambiguate similar n-grams by looking at the children of blocks containing the n-grams
DisambiguateByParent |
Attempt to disambiguate similar n-grams by looking at the parents of blocks containing the n-grams
DisambiguateByParentWithOrder |
Attempt to disambiguate similar n-grams by looking at the parents, AND siblings, of blocks containing the n-grams.
Hash |
This encodes the main hash value for an n-gram, and the number of Instructions hashed
HashedFunctionAddressCorrelation |
Correlator to construct a 1-1 map between the Instructions of two similar Functions.
HashEntry |
Cross-reference container for different n-grams that share a particular hash
HashStore |
HashStore is a sorted, basic-block aware, store for Instruction "n-grams" to help quickly match similar
sequences of Instructions between two functions.
HashStore.NgramMatch |
Class explicitly labeling (one-side of) a matching n-gram pair.
InstructHash |
This class is the container for hashing information about a particular instruction, including all the
n-grams it is currently involved in within the HashStore.
MnemonicHashCalculator |
Hash function hashing only the mnemonic of an individual Instruction