DataTypeGraphComparator |
Compares two DataType directed graphs, calling a
method that can observe each
DataType pair that occupy equivalent positions in each graph.
DIEAMonitoredIterator |
Handles the details of iterating all the DIEAs of a DWARF program.
DWARFDataTypeImporter |
Creates Ghidra DataType s using information from DWARF debug entries.
DWARFDataTypeManager |
Manages mappings between DWARF DIEs and Ghidra DataTypes.
DWARFFunctionImporter |
Iterates through all DIEAs in a DWARFProgram and creates Ghidra functions
and variables.
DWARFImportOptions |
Import options exposed by the DWARFAnalyzer
DWARFImportSummary |
Information about what actions were performed during a DWARF import.
DWARFNameInfo |
DWARFParser |
Performs a DWARF datatype import and a DWARF function import, under the control of the
DWARFImportOptions .
DWARFProgram |
DWARFRegisterMappings |
Immutable mapping information between DWARF and Ghidra.
DWARFRegisterMappingsManager |
DWARFSourceInfo |
Small class to hold the filename and line number info values from
NamespacePath |
Represents a hierarchical path of containers that hold names of objects.
StringTable |
A offset-to-String string table backed by a simple byte array (encoded as UTF-8).