AssemblyConstructorSemantic |
Describes a SLEIGH constructor semantic
These are collected and associated with productions in the grammar based on the given
constructor's print pieces.
AssemblyContextGraph |
A graph of possible context changes via the application of various constructors
This is used primarily to find optimal paths for the application of recursive rules, i.e., those
of the form I => I.
AssemblyContextGraph.Edge |
A transition in a context transition graph
A transition consists of the constructor whose context changes were applied.
AssemblyContextGraph.Vertex |
A vertex in a context transition graph
Each vertex consists of a context block and a (sub)table name
AssemblyDefaultContext |
A class that computes the default context for a language, and acts as a pseudo context
This class helps maintain context consistency when performing both assembly and disassembly.
AssemblyPatternBlock |
The analog of PatternBlock , designed for use by the assembler
It is suitable for the assembler because it is represented byte-by-byte, and it offers a number
of useful conversions and operations.
AssemblyResolution |
AssemblyResolutionResults |
A set of possible assembly resolutions for a single SLEIGH constructor
Since the assembler works from the leaves up, it unclear in what context a given token appears.
AssemblyResolvedBackfill |
AssemblyResolvedConstructor |
AssemblyResolvedError |
A AssemblyResolution indicating the occurrence of a (usually semantic) error
The description should indicate where the error occurred.
AssemblyTreeResolver |
The workhorse of semantic resolution for the assembler
This class takes a parse tree and some additional information (start address, context, etc.) and
attempts to determine possible encodings using the semantics associated with each branch of the
given parse tree.