AbstractPatternTextFilter |
AbstractRegexBasedTermSplitter |
Allows the user to split a string using a regex as the delimiter.
CharacterTermSplitter |
Provides the ability to split a string using a single character as the
delimiter, interpreted as a regex.
ClearFilterLabel |
A label that displays an icon that, when clicked, will clear the contents of the
associated filter.
ContainsTextFilter |
A filter that will pass text when it contains the filter text.
ContainsTextFilterFactory |
FilterOptions |
FilterOptionsEditorDialog |
Dialog that allows the user to select options related to table filtering.
FilterTextField |
A text field that is meant to be used in conjunction with tables that allow filter text.
FindsPatternTextFilter |
A text filter that uses a pattern and performs a 'find' using that pattern.
InvertedTextFilter |
MatchesExactlyTextFilter |
A filter that will pass text when it matches exactly.
MatchesExactlyTextFilterFactory |
A filter factory that creates TextFilter s that will pass text when it matches
the filter exactly.
MatchesPatternTextFilter |
A text filter that uses a pattern and performs a 'matches' using that pattern.
RegularExpressionTextFilterFactory |
StartsWithTextFilter |
A filter that will pass text when it starts with the filter text.
StartsWithTextFilterFactory |