There are a number of filters that can be applied to BSim queries, involving names, architectures, compilers, ingest dates, user-defined executable categories, and other attributes.
Filters be can applied server-side or client-side.
Server-side filters affect the query results sent to Ghidra from a BSim server and can be applied using the Filters drop-down in the BSim Search dialog.
Client-side filters apply to the BSim Search results table and can be added and removed at will using the Filter Results icon .
However, to "undo" a server-side filter, you have to issue another BSim query without the filter.
and bring up the BSim Search dialog.demangler_gnu_v2_41
as the name to exclude.demangler_gnu_v2_41
is not in the list of executables with matches.Next Section: Scripting and Visualization