Class MonospacedByteRenderer

All Implemented Interfaces:
GComponent, FontChangeListener, GColumnRenderer<Byte[]>, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, PropertyChangeListener, Serializable, EventListener, Accessible, SwingConstants, TableCellRenderer

public class MonospacedByteRenderer extends AbstractGColumnRenderer<Byte[]>
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MonospacedByteRenderer

      public MonospacedByteRenderer()
  • Method Details

    • getDefaultFont

      protected Font getDefaultFont()
      Description copied from class: GTableCellRenderer
      Override to change the font that will be used each time the renderer is initialized inside of GTableCellRenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(GTableCellRenderingData)
      getDefaultFont in class GTableCellRenderer
      the font
    • getTableCellRendererComponent

      public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(GTableCellRenderingData data)
      Description copied from class: GTableCellRenderer
      Provide basic cell rendering -- setting foreground and background colors, font, text, alignment, drop color, and border. Additional data that may be of use to the renderer is passed through the GTableCellRenderingData object.
      getTableCellRendererComponent in class GTableCellRenderer
      data - Context data used in the rendering of a data cell.
      The component used for drawing the table cell.
    • getFilterString

      public String getFilterString(Byte[] t, Settings settings)
      Description copied from interface: GColumnRenderer
      Returns a string that is suitable for use when filtering. The returned String should be an unformatted (e.g., no HTML markup, icons, etc) version of what is on the screen. If the String returned here does not match what the user sees (that which is rendered), then the filtering action may confuse the user.
      t - the column type instance
      settings - any settings the converter may need to convert the type
      the unformatted String version of what is rendered in the table cell on screen