Class AnnotatedTextFieldElement

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class AnnotatedTextFieldElement extends AbstractTextFieldElement
A subclass of FieldElement that allows for mouse handling callbacks via the handleMouseClicked(Navigatable, ServiceProvider) method. This class is based upon Annotation objects, which are elements that perform actions when the use clicks an instance of this class in the display.
  • Constructor Details

    • AnnotatedTextFieldElement

      public AnnotatedTextFieldElement(Annotation annotation, AttributedString prototype, Program program, int row, int column)
      Constructor that initializes this text field element with the given annotation and row and column information. The text of this element is the display text created by the annotation handler for the given annotation.
      annotation - The Annotation that this element is describing.
      prototype - the prototype string used to create new strings
      program - the program
      row - The row that this element is on
      column - The column value of this element (the column index where this element starts)
  • Method Details

    • getRawText

      public String getRawText()
      Returns the original annotation text in the data model, which will differ from the display text.
      the original annotation text in the data model.
    • getDisplayString

      public String getDisplayString()
    • handleMouseClicked

      public boolean handleMouseClicked(Navigatable sourceNavigatable, ServiceProvider serviceProvider)
      This method is designed to be called when a mouse click has occurred for a given ProgramLocation.
      sourceNavigatable - The source Navigatable
      serviceProvider - A service provider from which system resources can be retrieved
      true if this string handles the mouse click.
    • getDataLocationForCharacterIndex

      public RowColLocation getDataLocationForCharacterIndex(int characterIndex)
      Description copied from interface: FieldElement
      Translates the given character index to a data location related to the data model, as determined by the FieldFactory.
      Specified by:
      getDataLocationForCharacterIndex in interface FieldElement
      getDataLocationForCharacterIndex in class AbstractTextFieldElement
      characterIndex - The character index to translate.
      The data location in the model coordinates.
    • getCharacterIndexForDataLocation

      public int getCharacterIndexForDataLocation(int dataRow, int dataColumn)
      Description copied from interface: FieldElement
      Returns the character index appropriate for the given data location
      Specified by:
      getCharacterIndexForDataLocation in interface FieldElement
      getCharacterIndexForDataLocation in class AbstractTextFieldElement
      dataRow - the row in the data model as determined by the creating field factory.
      dataColumn - the column in the data model as determined by the creating field factory.
      the character index appropriate for the given data location; -1 if this field does not contain the given location
    • substring

      public FieldElement substring(int start, int end)
      Description copied from interface: FieldElement
      Returns a new FieldElement containing just the characters beginning at the given start index (inclusive) and ending at the given end index (exclusive).
      start - The starting index (inclusive) from which to substring this element.
      end - The end index (exclusive) to which the substring will be performed.
      a new FieldElement containing just the characters beginning at the given index.
    • replaceAll

      public FieldElement replaceAll(char[] targets, char replacement)
      Description copied from interface: FieldElement
      Returns a new FieldElement with all occurrences of the target characters replaced with the given replacement character.
      targets - The array of characters to replace.
      replacement - The replacement character.
      a new FieldElement with all occurrences of the target characters replaced with the given replacement character.