Package ghidra.util

Class NumericUtilities


public final class NumericUtilities extends Object
  • Field Details


      public static final BigInteger MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG

      public static final BigInteger MAX_SIGNED_LONG

      public static final BigInteger MAX_UNSIGNED_INT

      public static final long MAX_UNSIGNED_INT32_AS_LONG
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • parseNumber

      @Deprecated(since="11.3", forRemoval=true) public static long parseNumber(String numStr)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      use parseLong(String) instead
      Parses the given string as a numeric value, detecting whether or not it begins with a hex prefix, and if not, parses as a long int value.
      numStr - the number string
      the long value or 0
    • parseNumber

      @Deprecated(since="11.3", forRemoval=true) public static Long parseNumber(String s, Long defaultValue)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Parses the given string as a numeric value, detecting whether or not it begins with a hex prefix, and if not, parses as a long int value.
      s - the string to parse
      defaultValue - the default value to use if the string cannot be parsed
      the long value
    • parseInt

      public static int parseInt(String s) throws NumberFormatException
      Parses the given decimal/hex string as an int value. This method allows values with the top bit set to be implicitly parsed as negative values.
      s - the string to parse
      the parsed int value
      NumberFormatException - if the string does not represent a valid int value
    • parseInt

      public static int parseInt(String s, int defaultValue)
      Parses the given decimal/hex string as an int value. This method allows values with the top bit set to be implicitly parsed as negative values.
      s - the string to parse
      defaultValue - the default value to return if the string does not represent a valid int value
      the parsed int value or the defaultValue if the string does not represent a valid int value
    • parseLong

      public static long parseLong(String s) throws NumberFormatException
      Parses the given decimal/hex string as an long value. This method allows values with the top bit set to be implicitly parsed as negative values.
      s - the string to parse
      the parsed long value
      NumberFormatException - if the string does not represent a valid long value
    • parseLong

      public static long parseLong(String s, long defaultValue)
      Parses the given decimal/hex string as an long value. This method allows values with the top bit set to be implicitly parsed as negative values.
      s - the string to parse
      defaultValue - the default value to return if the string does not represent a valid long value
      the parsed long value or the defaultValue if the string does not represent a valid long value
    • parseHexLong

      public static long parseHexLong(String s) throws NumberFormatException
      Parses the given hex string as a long value.

      Note: The string is treated as hex regardless of whether or not it contains the 0x prefix.

      s - the string to parse
      the parsed long value
      NumberFormatException - if the string does not represent a valid value
    • parseHexBigInteger

      @Deprecated(since="11.3", forRemoval=true) public static BigInteger parseHexBigInteger(String s) throws NumberFormatException
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Parses the given hex string as a BigInteger value.

      Note: The string is treated as hex regardless of whether or not it contains the 0x prefix.

      s - the string to parse
      the parsed BigInteger value
      NumberFormatException - if the string does not represent a valid value
    • decodeBigInteger

      public static BigInteger decodeBigInteger(String s)
      Decode a big integer in hex, binary, octal, or decimal, based on the prefix 0x, 0b, or 0.

      This checks for the presence of a case-insensitive prefix. 0x denotes hex, 0b denotes binary, 0 denotes octal. If no prefix is given, decimal is assumed. A sign +/- may immediately precede the prefix. If no sign is given, a positive value is assumed.

      s - the string to parse
      the decoded value
    • toHexString

      public static final String toHexString(long value)
      returns the value of the specified long as hexadecimal, prefixing with the HEX_PREFIX_x string.
      value - the long value to convert
      the string
    • toHexString

      public static final String toHexString(long value, int size)
      returns the value of the specified long as hexadecimal, prefixing with the HEX_PREFIX_x string.
      value - the long value to convert
      size - number of bytes to be represented
      the string
    • toSignedHexString

      public static final String toSignedHexString(long value)
      returns the value of the specified long as signed hexadecimal, prefixing with the HEX_PREFIX_x string.
      value - the long value to convert
      the string
    • unsignedLongToBigInteger

      public static BigInteger unsignedLongToBigInteger(long value)
      Converts a unsigned long value, which is currently stored in a java signed long, into a BigInteger.

      In other words, the full 64 bits of the primitive java signed long is being used to store an unsigned value. This method converts this into a positive BigInteger value.

      value - java unsigned long value stuffed into a java signed long
      new BigInteger with the positive value of the unsigned long value
    • bigIntegerToUnsignedLong

      public static long bigIntegerToUnsignedLong(BigInteger value)
    • unsignedLongToDouble

      public static double unsignedLongToDouble(long val)
      Convert a long, treated as unsigned, to a double
      val - the long to treat as unsigned and convert
      the double
    • getUnsignedAlignedValue

      public static long getUnsignedAlignedValue(long unsignedValue, long alignment)
      Get an unsigned aligned value corresponding to the specified unsigned value which will be greater than or equal the specified value.
      unsignedValue - value to be aligned
      alignment - alignment
      aligned value
    • convertMaskedValueToHexString

      public static String convertMaskedValueToHexString(long msk, long val, int n, boolean truncate, int spaceevery, String spacer)
      Convert a masked value into a hexadecimal-ish string. Converts the data to hexadecimal, placing an X where a nibble is unknown. Where a nibble is partially defined, it is displayed as four bits in brackets []. Bits are displayed as x, or the defined value. For example, consider the mask 00001111:01011100, and the value 00001001:00011000. This will display as X8:[x0x1][10xx]. To see the correlation, consider the table:
      Display X 8 : [x0x1] [10xx]
      Mask 0000 1111 : 0101 1100
      Value 0000 1000 : 0001 1000
      msk - the mask
      val - the value
      n - the number of nibbles, starting at the right. The example uses 4.
      truncate - true if leading Xs may be truncated. The example uses false.
      spaceevery - how many nibbles in spaced groups, 0 for no spaces. The example uses 2.
      spacer - the group separator, if applicable. The example uses ':'.
      the string representation
      See Also:
    • convertMaskToHexString

      public static String convertMaskToHexString(long msk, int n, boolean truncate, int spaceevery, String spacer)
      Convert a mask to a hexadecimal-ish string. Converts the mask in a similar way to convertMaskedValueToHexString(long, long, int, boolean, int, String). Philosophically, it is hexadecimal, but the only valid digits are 0 and F. Any partially-included nibble will be broken down into bracketed bits. Displaying masks in this way is convenient when shown proximal to related masked values.
      msk - the mask
      n - the number of nibbles, starting at the right
      truncate - true if leading Xs may be truncated
      spaceevery - how many nibbles in spaced groups, 0 for no spaces
      spacer - the group separator, if applicable
      the string representation
      See Also:
    • convertHexStringToMaskedValue

      public static void convertHexStringToMaskedValue(AtomicLong msk, AtomicLong val, String hex, int n, int spaceevery, String spacer)
      msk - an object to receive the resulting mask
      val - an object to receive the resulting value
      hex - the input string to parse
      n - the number of nibbles to parse (they are stored right aligned in the result)
      spaceevery - how many nibbles are expected between spacers
      spacer - the spacer
      See Also:
    • formatNumber

      public static String formatNumber(long number, int radix)
      Render number in different bases using the default signedness mode.

      This invokes formatNumber(long, int, SignednessFormatMode) with a mode parameter of SignednessFormatMode.DEFAULT.

      number - The number to represent
      radix - the base in which number is represented
      formatted string of the number parameter in provided radix base
      See Also:
    • formatNumber

      public static String formatNumber(long number, int radix, SignednessFormatMode mode)
      Provide renderings of number in different bases:
      • 0 - renders number as an escaped character sequence
      • 2 - renders number as a base-2 integer
      • 8 - renders number as a base-8 integer
      • 10 - renders number as a base-10 integer
      • 16 (default) - renders number as a base-16 integer
      Number Radix DEFAULT Mode Alias UNSIGNED Mode Value SIGNED Mode Value
      100 2 UNSIGNED 1100100b 1100100b
      100 8 UNSIGNED 144o 144o
      100 10 SIGNED 100 100
      100 16 UNSIGNED 64h 64h
      -1 2 UNSIGNED 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111b -1b
      -1 8 UNSIGNED 1777777777777777777777o -1o
      -1 10 SIGNED 18446744073709551615 -1
      -1 16 UNSIGNED ffffffffffffffffh -1h
      -100 2 UNSIGNED 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110011100b -1100100b
      -100 8 UNSIGNED 1777777777777777777634o -144o
      -100 10 SIGNED 18446744073709551516 -100
      -100 16 UNSIGNED ffffffffffffff9ch -64h
      number - The number to represent
      radix - The base in which number is represented
      mode - Specifies how the number is formatted with respect to its signed-ness
      number string in the given base
    • convertStringToBytes

      public static byte[] convertStringToBytes(String hexString)
      Parse hexadecimal digits into a byte array.
      hexString - hexadecimal digits
      numeric value as a byte array, or null if string contains invalid hex characters.
    • toString

      public static String toString(byte b)
      Convert the given byte into a two character String, padding with a leading 0 if needed.
      b - the byte
      the byte string
    • convertBytesToString

      public static String convertBytesToString(byte[] bytes)
      Convert a byte array into a hexadecimal string.
      bytes - byte array
      hex string representation
    • convertBytesToString

      public static String convertBytesToString(byte[] bytes, String delimeter)
      Convert a byte array into a hexadecimal string.
      bytes - byte array
      delimeter - the text between byte strings
      hex string representation
    • convertBytesToString

      public static String convertBytesToString(byte[] bytes, int start, int len, String delimeter)
      Convert a byte array into a hexadecimal string.
      bytes - byte array
      start - start index
      len - number of bytes to convert
      delimeter - the text between byte strings
      hex string representation
    • convertBytesToString

      public static String convertBytesToString(Iterator<Byte> bytes, String delimiter)
      Convert a bytes into a hexadecimal string.
      bytes - an iterator of bytes
      delimiter - the text between byte strings; null is allowed
      hex string representation
    • convertBytesToString

      public static String convertBytesToString(Iterable<Byte> bytes, String delimiter)
      Convert a bytes into a hexadecimal string.
      bytes - an iterable of bytes
      delimiter - the text between byte strings; null is allowed
      hex string representation
    • convertBytesToString

      public static String convertBytesToString(Stream<Byte> bytes, String delimiter)
      Convert a bytes into a hexadecimal string.
      bytes - an stream of bytes
      delimiter - the text between byte strings; null is allowed
      hex string representation
    • isIntegerType

      public static boolean isIntegerType(Number number)
      Determine if the provided Number is an integer type -- Byte, Short, Integer, or Long.
      number - the object to check for for integer-type
      true if the provided number is an integer-type, false otherwise
    • isIntegerType

      public static boolean isIntegerType(Class<?> numClass)
      Determine if the provided Number class is an integer type.
      numClass - Class of an object
      true if the class parameter is a integer type, false otherwise
    • isFloatingPointType

      public static boolean isFloatingPointType(Number number)
      Determine if the provided Number is a floating-point type -- Float or Double.
      number - the object to check for for floating-point-type
      true if the provided number is a floating-point-type, false otherwise
    • isFloatingPointType

      public static boolean isFloatingPointType(Class<?> numClass)
      Determine if the provided Number class is a floating-point type.
      numClass - Class of an object
      true if the class parameter is a floating-point type, false otherwise