Class SymbolUtilities


public class SymbolUtilities extends Object
Class with static methods to deal with symbol strings.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SymbolUtilities

      public SymbolUtilities()
  • Method Details

    • getOrdinalValue

      public static int getOrdinalValue(String symbolName)
    • containsInvalidChars

      public static boolean containsInvalidChars(String str)
      Check for invalid characters (space or unprintable ascii below 0x20) in labels.
      str - the string to be checked for invalid characters.
      boolean true if no invalid chars
    • getDefaultFunctionName

      public static String getDefaultFunctionName(Address addr)
      Generates a default function name for a given address.
      addr - the entry point of the function.
      the default generated name for the function.
    • isReservedExternalDefaultName

      public static boolean isReservedExternalDefaultName(String name, AddressFactory addrFactory)
      Returns true if the specified name is reserved as a default external name.
      name -
      addrFactory -
      true if the specified name is reserved as a default external name.
    • getDefaultExternalFunctionName

      public static String getDefaultExternalFunctionName(Address addr)
      Generates a default external name for an external function
      addr - the memory address referred to by the external.
      the default generated name for the external.
    • getDefaultExternalName

      public static String getDefaultExternalName(Address addr, DataType dt)
      Generates a default external name for a given external data/code location.
      addr - the memory address referred to by the external.
      dt - data type associated with the specified external memory address
      the default generated name for the external.
    • isReservedDynamicLabelName

      public static boolean isReservedDynamicLabelName(String name, AddressFactory addrFactory)
      Returns true if the given name could match a default dynamic label (EXT, LAB, SUB, FUN, DAT) at some address. WARNING! Does not handle dynamic labels which use data-type prefixes - see isDynamicSymbolPattern(String, boolean) for more liberal check
    • validateName

      public static void validateName(String name) throws InvalidInputException
      Validate the given symbol name: cannot be null, cannot be an empty string, cannot contain blank characters, cannot be a reserved name.
      name - symbol name to be validated
      InvalidInputException - invalid or reserved name has been specified
    • startsWithDefaultDynamicPrefix

      public static boolean startsWithDefaultDynamicPrefix(String name)
      Returns true if the given name starts with a possible default symbol prefix.
      name - the name string to test.
      true if name starts with a know dynamic prefix
    • isDynamicSymbolPattern

      public static boolean isDynamicSymbolPattern(String name, boolean caseSensitive)
      Tests if the given name is a possible dynamic symbol name. WARNING! This method should be used carefully since it will return true for any name which starts with a known dynamic label prefix or ends with an '_' followed by a valid hex value.
      name - the name to test
      caseSensitive - true if case matters.
      true if name is a possible dynamic symbol name, else false
    • isInvalidChar

      public static boolean isInvalidChar(char c)
      Returns true if the specified char is not valid for use in a symbol name
      c - the character to be tested as a valid symbol character.
      return true if c is an invalid char within a symbol name, else false
    • replaceInvalidChars

      public static String replaceInvalidChars(String str, boolean replaceWithUnderscore)
      Removes from the given string any invalid characters or replaces them with underscores. For example: given "a:b*c", the return value would be "a_b_c"
      str - the string to have invalid chars converted to underscores or removed.
      replaceWithUnderscore - - true means replace the invalid chars with underscore. if false, then just drop the invalid chars
      modified string
    • getDynamicOffcutName

      public static String getDynamicOffcutName(Address addr)
      Create a dynamic label name for an offcut reference.
      addr - the address at which to create an offcut reference name.
      dynamic offcut label name
    • getDynamicName

      public static String getDynamicName(int referenceLevel, Address addr)
      Create a name for a dynamic symbol with a 3-letter prefix based upon reference level and an address. Acceptable referenceLevel's are: UNK_LEVEL, DAT_LEVEL, LAB_LEVEL, SUB_LEVEL, EXT_LEVEL, FUN_LEVEL.
      referenceLevel - the type of reference for which to create a dynamic name.
      addr - the address at which to create a dynamic name.
      dynamic symbol name
    • getDynamicName

      public static String getDynamicName(Program program, Address addr)
      Create a name for a dynamic symbol.
      program - the current program
      addr - the address of the symbol for which to generate a name
      a name for the symbol at the given address
    • parseDynamicName

      public static Address parseDynamicName(AddressFactory factory, String name)
      Parse a dynamic name and return its address or null if unable to parse.
      factory - address factory
      name - the dynamic label name to parse into an address.
      address corresponding to symbol name if it satisfies possible dynamic naming or null if unable to parse address fro name
    • getAddressString

      public static String getAddressString(Address addr)
    • getDefaultParamName

      public static String getDefaultParamName(int ordinal)
    • isDefaultParameterName

      public static boolean isDefaultParameterName(String name)
    • getDefaultLocalName

      public static String getDefaultLocalName(Program program, int stackOffset, int firstUseOffset)
    • getDefaultLocalName

      public static String getDefaultLocalName(Program program, VariableStorage storage, int firstUseOffset)
    • isDefaultLocalName

      public static boolean isDefaultLocalName(Program program, String name, VariableStorage storage)
    • isPossibleDefaultLocalOrParamName

      public static boolean isPossibleDefaultLocalOrParamName(String name)
      Returns true if the given name is a possible default parameter name or local variable name
      name - the name to check to see if it is a possible default local or parameter name
      true if the given name is a possible default parameter name or local variable name
    • isPossibleDefaultExternalName

      public static boolean isPossibleDefaultExternalName(String name)
      Checks if the given name could be a default external location name
      name - the name to check
      true if the given name is a possible default external location name
    • isDefaultLocalStackName

      public static boolean isDefaultLocalStackName(String name)
    • getAddressAppendedName

      public static String getAddressAppendedName(String name, Address address)
      Creates the standard symbol name for symbols that have the addresses appended to the name following an "@" character in order to make it unique.
      name - the "true" name of the symbol
      address - the address to be appended
      the name with the address appended.
    • getCleanSymbolName

      public static String getCleanSymbolName(Symbol symbol)
      Gets the base symbol name regardless of whether or not the address has been appended.
      symbol - the symbol to get the clean name for.
      the base symbol name where the "@<address>" has been stripped away if it exists.
    • getCleanSymbolName

      public static String getCleanSymbolName(String symbolName, Address address)
      Gets the base symbol name regardless of whether or not the address has been appended using either the standard "@" separator, or the less preferred "_" separator. The address string extension must match that which is produced by the getAddressString(Address) method for it to be recognized.
      symbolName - a symbol name to get the clean name for.
      address - the symbol's address
      the base symbol name where the "@<address>" has been stripped away if it exists.
    • getSymbolTypeDisplayName

      public static String getSymbolTypeDisplayName(Symbol symbol)
      Returns display text suitable for describing in the GUI the SymbolType of the given symbol
      symbol - The symbol from which to get the SymbolType
      a display string for the SymbolType
    • getUniqueSymbol

      public static Symbol getUniqueSymbol(Program program, String name)
      Returns the global symbol with the given name if and only if it is the only global symbol with that name.
      program - the program to search.
      name - the name of the global symbol to find.
      the global symbol with the given name if and only if it is the only one.
    • getUniqueSymbol

      public static Symbol getUniqueSymbol(Program program, String name, Namespace namespace)
      Returns the symbol in the given namespace with the given name if and only if it is the only symbol in that namespace with that name.
      program - the program to search.
      name - the name of the symbol to find.
      namespace - the parent namespace; may be null
      the symbol with the given name if and only if it is the only one in that namespace
    • getExpectedLabelOrFunctionSymbol

      public static Symbol getExpectedLabelOrFunctionSymbol(Program program, String symbolName, Consumer<String> errorConsumer)
      Returns the unique global label or function symbol with the given name. Also, logs if there is not exactly one symbol with that name.
      program - the program to search.
      symbolName - the name of the global label or function symbol to search.
      errorConsumer - the object to use for reporting errors via it's accept() method.
      symbol if a unique label/function symbol with name is found or null
    • getLabelOrFunctionSymbol

      public static Symbol getLabelOrFunctionSymbol(Program program, String symbolName, Consumer<String> errorConsumer)
      Returns the unique global label or function symbol with the given name. Also, logs if there is more than one symbol with that name.
      program - the program to search.
      symbolName - the name of the global label or function symbol to search.
      errorConsumer - the object to use for reporting errors via it's accept() method.
      symbol if a unique label/function symbol with name is found or null
    • createPreferredLabelOrFunctionSymbol

      public static Symbol createPreferredLabelOrFunctionSymbol(Program program, Address address, Namespace namespace, String name, SourceType source) throws InvalidInputException
      Create label symbol giving preference to non-global symbols. An existing function symbol may be returned. If attempting to create a global symbol and the name already exists at the address no symbol will be created and null will be returned. If attempting to create a non-global symbol, which does not exist, and a global symbol does exist with same name its namespace will be changed.
      program - program within which the symbol should be created
      address - memory address where symbol should be created
      namespace - symbol namespace or null for global
      name - symbol name
      source - symbol source type
      new or existing label or function symbol or null if creating a global symbol whose name already exists at address
      InvalidInputException - if invalid symbol name provided
    • getSymbolNameComparator

      public static Comparator<Symbol> getSymbolNameComparator()
      Returns a comparator for symbols. The comparison is based upon the name. This call replaces the former compareTo method on Symbol. This comparator returned here is case-insensitive.
      the comparator