Class BatchInfo


public class BatchInfo extends Object
This is the main state of a batch import task, containing the segregated groupings of applications.

This class also handles populating the batch groups by recursively descending into files and the contents of those files.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BatchInfo

      public BatchInfo()
      Creates a new BatchInfo object with a default maxDepth.
    • BatchInfo

      public BatchInfo(int maxDepth)
      Creates a new BatchInfo object using the specified maxDepth.
      maxDepth - see maxDepth.
  • Method Details

    • getGroups

      public List<BatchGroup> getGroups()
      Returns a list of the BatchGroups that have been found when processing the added files.
      List of BatchGroups.
    • getTotalCount

      public int getTotalCount()
      Returns the count of how many importable objects (ie. LoadSpecs) were found.
      count of importable objects.
    • getTotalRawCount

      public int getTotalRawCount()
      Returns the count of how many files were found while processing the source files.
      count of files found while processing source files.
    • getEnabledCount

      public int getEnabledCount()
      Returns the count of applications in enabled BatchGroups... in other words, the number of objects that would be imported during this batch.
      count of enabled applications.
    • remove

      public void remove(FSRL fsrl)
      Removes a user-added source file (and all the embedded files inside it) from this batch.
      fsrl - FSRL of the file to remove.
    • addFile

      public boolean addFile(FSRL fsrl, TaskMonitor taskMonitor) throws IOException, CancelledException
      Adds a file to this batch as the direct result of a user action.

      If the file is a container for other files, this method will iterate through those child files and recursively try to add them using this method.

      fsrl - FSRL of the file to add.
      taskMonitor - TaskMonitor to watch and update with progress.
      boolean true if something in the file produced something to import.
      IOException - if io error when reading files.
      CancelledException - if user cancels.
    • wasRecurseTerminatedEarly

      public boolean wasRecurseTerminatedEarly()
      Returns true if any of the user source files had containers that were not recursed into because of the maxDepth limit.
      true if any of the user source files had containers that were not recursed into because of the maxDepth limit.
    • isSingleApp

      public boolean isSingleApp()
      Checks the found applications and returns true if only a single binary was found, even if multiple loaders claim it.
      true if single binary and batch is probably not correct importer.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getUserAddedSources

      public List<UserAddedSourceInfo> getUserAddedSources()
      Returns the List of files added via addFile(FSRL, TaskMonitor).
      List of files added via addFile(FSRL, TaskMonitor).
    • getMaxDepth

      public int getMaxDepth()
      Maximum depth of containers (ie. filesystems) to recurse into when processing a file added by the user
      the current maximum depth of containers (ie. filesystems) to recurse into when processing a file added by the user.
    • setMaxDepth

      public void setMaxDepth(int newMaxDepth)
      Sets a new max container recursive depth limit for this batch import

      Doing this requires rescanning all original user-added source files and stopping at the new max depth.

      newMaxDepth - new value for the max depth