Annotation Interface AnnotatedPcodeUseropLibrary.PcodeUserop

Enclosing class:

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) public static @interface AnnotatedPcodeUseropLibrary.PcodeUserop
An annotation to export a Java method as a userop in the library.

Ordinarily, each parameter receives an input to the userop. Each parameter may be annotated with at most one of AnnotatedPcodeUseropLibrary.OpExecutor, AnnotatedPcodeUseropLibrary.OpState, AnnotatedPcodeUseropLibrary.OpLibrary, or AnnotatedPcodeUseropLibrary.OpOutput to change what it receives. If variadic() is false, non-annotated parameters receive the inputs to the userop in matching order. Conventionally, annotated parameters should be placed first or last. Parameters accepting inputs must have type either Varnode or assignable from T. A parameter of type Varnode will receive the input Varnode. A parameter that is assignable from T will receive the input value. If it so happens that T is assignable from Varnode, the parameter will receive the Varnode, not the value. NOTE: Receiving a value instead of a variable may lose its size. Depending on the type of the value, that size may or may not be recoverable.

If variadic() is true, then a single non-annotated parameter receives all inputs in order. This parameter must have a type Varnode[] to receive variables or have type assignable from T[] to receive values.

Note that there is no annotation to receive the "thread," because threads are not a concept known to the p-code executor or userop libraries, in general. In most cases, receiving the executor and/or state (which are usually bound to a specific thread) is sufficient. The preferred means of exposing thread-specific userops is to construct a library bound to that specific thread. That strategy should preserve compile-time type safety. Alternatively, you can receive the executor or state, cast it to your specific type, and use an accessor to get its thread.

  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Set to true to suggest inlining.
    Set to true to attest that the userop is a pure function.
    Set to false to attest the userop has no side effects.
    Set to true to receive all inputs in an array.