Interface JitCallOtherOpIf

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
JitCallOtherDefOp, JitCallOtherOp

public interface JitCallOtherOpIf extends JitOp
A use-def node for a PcodeOp.CALLOTHER.

This requires the userop() to exist. For the case of a missing userop, we use JitCallOtherMissingOp.

TODO: We have several considerations remaining, esp., since we'd like to handle system calls via userops efficiently:

  1. There are more inputs than listed in the op itself. In fact, the invocation is just syscall(). The actual inputs are at least RAX and whatever parameters that specific syscall wants.
  2. We'd like to be able to evaluate RAX statically.
  3. We Might like to inject the p-code rather than trying to compile and run it separately. Then, in the case of a syscall, the actual Java callback should have known inputs and outputs. Would probably not want to embed a huge if-elseif tree for syscall numbers, though, which is why we'd like to evaluate RAX ahead of time. What if we can't, though? My thought is to retire all the variables and just interpret the syscall.
  • Method Details

    • userop

      The userop definition.
      the definition from the library
    • args

      List<JitVal> args()
      The arguments to the userop.
      the list of use-def value nodes
    • inputs

      default List<JitVal> inputs()
      Description copied from interface: JitOp
      The input operand use-def nodes in some defined order
      Specified by:
      inputs in interface JitOp
      the list of inputs
    • inputTypes

      List<JitTypeBehavior> inputTypes()
      The type behavior for each parameter in the userop definition

      These should correspond to each argument (input).

      the list of behaviors
    • typeFor

      default JitTypeBehavior typeFor(int position)
      Description copied from interface: JitOp
      Get the required type behavior for the input at the given position in JitOp.inputs()
      Specified by:
      typeFor in interface JitOp
      position - the input position
      the behavior
    • dfState

      Get the captured data flow state at the call site.
      the state
    • canBeRemoved

      default boolean canBeRemoved()
      Description copied from interface: JitOp
      Indicates the operation can be removed if its output is never used.
      Specified by:
      canBeRemoved in interface JitOp
      true if removable
    • link

      default void link()
      Description copied from interface: JitOp
      Add this op to the JitVal.uses() of each input operand, and (if applicable) set the JitOutVar.definition() of the output operand to this op.
      Specified by:
      link in interface JitOp
    • unlink

      default void unlink()
      Description copied from interface: JitOp
      Remove this op from the JitVal.uses() of each input operand, and (if applicable) unset the JitOutVar.definition() of the output operand.
      Specified by:
      unlink in interface JitOp