Class JitAllocationModel


public class JitAllocationModel extends Object
Type variable allocation phase for JIT-accelerated emulation.

The implements the Variable Allocation phase of the JitCompiler using a very simple placement and another "voting" algorithm to decide the allocated JVM variable types. We place/map variables by their storage varnodes, coalescing them as needed. Coalescing is performed for overlapping, but not abutting varnodes. This allocation is anticipated by the JitVarScopeModel, which performs the actual coalescing. Because multiple SSA variables will almost certainly occupy the same varnode, we employ another voting system. For example, the register RAX may be re-used many times within a passage. In some cases, it might be used to return a floating-point value. In others (and probably more commonly) it will be used to return an integral value. The more common case in the passage determines the JVM type of the local variable allocated for RAX. Note that variables which occupy only part of a coalesced varnode always vote for a JVM int, because of the shifting and masking required to extract that part.

The allocation process is very simple, presuming successful type assignment:

  1. Vote Tabulation
  2. Index Reservation
  3. Handler Creation

Vote Tabulation

Every SSA variable (excluding constants and memory variables) contributes a vote for the type of its allocated local. If the varnode matches exactly, the vote is for the JVM type of the variable's assigned p-code type. The type mapping is simple: For integral types, we allocate using the smaller JVM type that fits the p-code type. For floating-point types, we allocate using the JVM type that exactly matches the p-code type. If the varnode is larger, i.e., because it's the result of coalescing, then the vote is for the smaller JVM integer type that fits the full varnode. Consider the following p-code:

 2. EAX = FLOAT_ADD EBX, 0x3f800000:4 # 1.0f

Several values and variables are at play here. We tabulate the type assignments and resulting votes:

SSA Var Type Varnode Vote
RCXin float8 RCX double
RDXin float8 RDX double
RAX1 float8 RAX double
EBXin float4 EBX float
0x3f800000:4 float4
EAX2 float4 RAX long

The registers RCX, RDX, and EBX are trivially allocated as locals of JVM types double, double, and float, respectively. It is also worth noting that 0x3f800000 is allocated as a float constant in the classfile's constant pool. Now, we consider RAX. The varnodes for RAX1 and EAX2 are coalesced to RAX. RAX1 casts its vote for double; whereas, EAX2 casts its vote for long. This is because placing EAX2's value into the larger varnode requires bitwise operators, which on the JVM, require integer operands. Thus the votes result in a tie, and favoring integral types, we allocate RAX in a JVM long.

Index Reservation

After all the votes have been tabulated, we go through the results in address order, reserving JVM local indices and assigning types. Note that we must reserve two indices for every variable of type long or double, as specific by the JVM. Each of these reservations is tracked in a JitAllocationModel.JvmLocal. Note that index 0 is already reserved by the JVM for the this ref, so we start our counting at 1. Also, some portions of the code generator may need to allocate additional temporary locals, so we must allow access to the next free index after all reservations are complete.

Handler Creation

This actually extends a little beyond allocation, but this is a suitable place for it: All SSA values are assigned a handler, including constants and memory variables. Variables which access the same varnode get the same handler. For varnodes that are allocated in a JVM local, we create a handler that generates loads and stores to that local, e.g., iload. For constant varnodes, we create a handler that generates ldc instructions. For memory varnodes, we create a handler that generates a sequence of method invocations on the state. The code generator will delegate to these handlers in order to generate reads and writes of the corresponding variables, as well as to prepare any resources to facilitate access, e.g., pre-fetching items from the state in the generated constructor.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • nextFreeLocal

      public int nextFreeLocal()
      Get the next free local index without reserving it

      This should be used by operator code generators after all the state bypassing local variables have been allocated. The variables should be scoped to that operator only, so that the ids used are freed for the next operator.

      the next id
    • getHandler

      public JitAllocationModel.VarHandler getHandler(JitVal v)
      Get the handler for the given value (constant or variable in the use-def graph)
      v - the value
      the handler
    • allLocals

      Get all of the locals allocated
      the locals
    • localsForVn

      Get all of the locals allocated for the given varnode
      vn - the varnode
      the locals