Interface FileSystem

All Known Implementing Classes:
IndexedLocalFileSystem, IndexedV1LocalFileSystem, LocalFileSystem, MangledLocalFileSystem, RemoteFileSystem

public interface FileSystem
FileSystem provides a hierarchical view and management of a set of files and folders.
  • Field Details


      static final char SEPARATOR_CHAR
      Character used to separate folder and item names within a path string.
      See Also:

      static final String SEPARATOR
  • Method Details

    • getUserName

      String getUserName()
      Get user name associated with this filesystem. In the case of a remote filesystem this will correspond to the name used during login/authentication. A null value may be returned if user name unknown.
    • isVersioned

      boolean isVersioned()
      Returns true if the file-system requires check-outs when modifying folder items.
    • isOnline

      boolean isOnline()
      Returns true if file-system is on-line.
    • isReadOnly

      boolean isReadOnly() throws IOException
      Returns true if file-system is read-only.
    • getItemCount

      int getItemCount() throws IOException, UnsupportedOperationException
      Returns the number of folder items contained within this file-system.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if file-system does not support this operation
    • getItemNames

      String[] getItemNames(String folderPath) throws IOException
      Returns a list of the folder item names contained in the given folder.
      folderPath - the path of the folder.
      a list of folder item names.
    • getItems

      FolderItem[] getItems(String folderPath) throws IOException
      Returns a list of the folder items contained in the given folder.
      folderPath - the path of the folder.
      a list of folder items.
    • getItem

      FolderItem getItem(String folderPath, String name) throws IOException
      Returns the FolderItem in the given folder with the given name
      folderPath - the folder path containing the item.
      name - the name of the item.
      the FolderItem with the given folderPath and name, or null if it doesn't exist.
      IOException - if IO error occurs.
    • getItem

      Returns the FolderItem specified by its unique File-ID
      fileID - the items unique file ID
      the FolderItem with the given folderPath and name, or null if it doesn't exist.
      IOException - if IO error occurs.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if file-system does not support this operation
    • getFolderNames

      String[] getFolderNames(String folderPath) throws IOException
      Return a list of subfolders (by name) that are stored within the specified folder path.
      FileNotFoundException - if folder path does not exist.
      IOException - if IO error occurs.
    • createFolder

      void createFolder(String parentPath, String folderName) throws InvalidNameException, IOException
      Creates a new subfolder within the specified parent folder.
      parentPath - folder path of parent
      folderName - name of new subfolder
      DuplicateFileException - if a folder exists with this name
      InvalidNameException - if the name does not have all alphanumerics
      IOException - thrown if an IO error occurs.
    • createDatabase

      DatabaseItem createDatabase(String parentPath, String name, String fileID, BufferFile bufferFile, String comment, String contentType, boolean resetDatabaseId, TaskMonitor monitor, String user) throws InvalidNameException, IOException, CancelledException
      Create a new database item within the specified parent folder using the contents of the specified BufferFile.
      parentPath - folder path of parent
      name - new database name
      fileID - file ID to be associated with new database or null
      bufferFile - data source
      comment - version comment (used for versioned file system only)
      contentType - application defined content type
      resetDatabaseId - if true database ID will be reset for new Database
      monitor - allows the database copy to be monitored and cancelled.
      user - name of user creating item (required for versioned item)
      new DatabaseItem
      FileNotFoundException - thrown if parent folder does not exist.
      DuplicateFileException - if a folder item exists with this name
      InvalidNameException - if the name does not have all alphanumerics
      IOException - if an IO error occurs.
      CancelledException - if cancelled by monitor
    • createDatabase

      ManagedBufferFile createDatabase(String parentPath, String name, String fileID, String contentType, int bufferSize, String user, String projectPath) throws InvalidNameException, IOException
      Create a new empty database item within the specified parent folder. If this is a versioned file-system, the associated item is checked-out. The resulting checkoutId can be obtained from the returned buffer file.
      parentPath - folder path of parent
      name - new database name
      fileID - file ID to be associated with new database or null
      contentType - application defined content type
      bufferSize - buffer size. If copying an existing BufferFile, the buffer size must be the same as the source file.
      user - name of user creating item (required for versioned item)
      projectPath - path of project in which database is checked-out (required for versioned item)
      an empty BufferFile open for read-write.
      FileNotFoundException - thrown if parent folder does not exist.
      DuplicateFileException - if a folder item exists with this name
      InvalidNameException - if the name does not have all alphanumerics
      IOException - if an IO error occurs.
    • createDataFile

      DataFileItem createDataFile(String parentPath, String name, InputStream istream, String comment, String contentType, TaskMonitor monitor) throws InvalidNameException, IOException, CancelledException
      Creates a new empty data file within the specified parent folder.
      parentPath - folder path of parent
      name - new data file name
      istream - source data
      comment - version comment (used for versioned file system only)
      contentType - application defined content type
      monitor - progress monitor (used for cancel support, progress not used since length of input stream is unknown)
      new data file
      DuplicateFileException - Thrown if a folderItem with that name already exists.
      InvalidNameException - if the name has illegal characters. all alphanumerics
      IOException - if an IO error occurs.
      CancelledException - if cancelled by monitor
    • createFile

      FolderItem createFile(String parentPath, String name, File packedFile, TaskMonitor monitor, String user) throws InvalidNameException, IOException, CancelledException
      Creates a new file item from a packed file. The content/item type must be determined from the input stream.
      parentPath - folder path of parent
      name - new data file name
      packedFile - packed file data
      monitor - progress monitor (used for cancel support, progress not used since length of input stream is unknown)
      user - name of user creating item (required for versioned item)
      new item
      InvalidNameException - if the name has illegal characters. all alphanumerics
      IOException - if an IO error occurs.
      CancelledException - if cancelled by monitor
    • deleteFolder

      void deleteFolder(String folderPath) throws IOException
      Delete the specified folder.
      folderPath - path of folder to be deleted
      FolderNotEmptyException - Thrown if the folder is not empty.
      FileNotFoundException - if there is no folder with the given path name.
      IOException - if error occurred during delete.
    • moveFolder

      void moveFolder(String parentPath, String folderName, String newParentPath) throws InvalidNameException, IOException
      Move the specified folder to the path specified by newFolderPath. The moved folder must not be an ancestor of the new Parent.
      parentPath - path of parent folder that the moving folder currently resides in.
      folderName - name of the folder within the parentPath to be moved.
      newParentPath - path to where the folder is to be moved.
      FileNotFoundException - if the moved folder does not exist.
      DuplicateFileException - if folder with the same name exists within the new parent folder
      FileInUseException - if any file within this folder or its descendants are in-use or checked-out
      IOException - if an IO error occurs.
      InvalidNameException - if the new FolderPath contains an illegal file name.
      IllegalArgumentException - if new Parent is invalid.
    • renameFolder

      void renameFolder(String parentPath, String folderName, String newFolderName) throws InvalidNameException, IOException
      Renames the specified folder to a new name.
      parentPath - the parent folder of the folder to be renamed.
      folderName - the current name of the folder to be renamed.
      newFolderName - the name the folder to be renamed to.
      FileNotFoundException - if the folder to be renamed does not exist.
      DuplicateFileException - if folder with the new name already exists.
      FileInUseException - if any file within this folder or its descendants are in-use or checked-out
      IOException - if an IO error occurs.
      InvalidNameException - if the new FolderName contains an illegal file name.
    • moveItem

      void moveItem(String folderPath, String name, String newFolderPath, String newName) throws IOException, InvalidNameException
      Moves the specified item to a new folder.
      folderPath - path of folder containing the item.
      name - name of the item to be moved.
      newFolderPath - path of folder where item is to be moved.
      FileNotFoundException - if the item does not exist.
      DuplicateFileException - if item with the same name exists within the new parent folder.
      FileInUseException - if the item is in-use or checked-out
      IOException - if an IO error occurs.
      InvalidNameException - if the newName is invalid
    • addFileSystemListener

      void addFileSystemListener(FileSystemListener listener)
      Adds the given listener to be notified of file system changes.
      listener - the listener to be added.
    • removeFileSystemListener

      void removeFileSystemListener(FileSystemListener listener)
      Removes the listener from being notified of file system changes.
      listener -
    • folderExists

      boolean folderExists(String folderPath) throws IOException
      Returns true if the folder specified by the path exists.
      folderPath - the name of the folder to check for existence.
      true if the folder exists.
      IOException - if an IO error occurs.
    • fileExists

      boolean fileExists(String folderPath, String name) throws IOException
      Returns true if the file exists
      folderPath - the folderPath of the folder that may contain the file.
      name - the name of the file to check for existence.
      IOException - if an IO error occurs.
    • isShared

      boolean isShared()
      Returns true if this file system is shared
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Cleanup and release resources