Class MultiListingLayoutModel

All Implemented Interfaces:
FormatModelListener, ListingModelListener

public class MultiListingLayoutModel extends Object implements ListingModelListener, FormatModelListener
Class for creating multiple coordinated ListingModels for multiple programs.
  • Constructor Details

    • MultiListingLayoutModel

      public MultiListingLayoutModel(FormatManager formatMgr, Program[] programs, AddressSetView primaryAddrSet)
      Constructs a new MultiListingLayoutModel.
      formatMgr - the FormatManager used to layout the fields.
      programs - the list of programs that will be coordinated using listing models. The first program in the array will be used as the primary program.
      primaryAddrSet - the addressSet to use for the view. This is compatible with the primary program, which is program[0].
  • Method Details

    • getAlignedModel

      public ListingModel getAlignedModel(int index)
      Returns the ListingLayoutModel for the i'th program.
      index - the index of program for which to return a listing model
      the the ListingLayoutModel for the i'th program.
    • dataChanged

      public void dataChanged(boolean updateImmediately)
      Description copied from interface: ListingModelListener
      Called when the data at an index or range of indexes changes.
      Specified by:
      dataChanged in interface ListingModelListener
      updateImmediately - true to immediately update the listing upon change.
    • modelSizeChanged

      public void modelSizeChanged()
      Description copied from interface: ListingModelListener
      Called whenever the number of indexes changed
      Specified by:
      modelSizeChanged in interface ListingModelListener
    • formatModelChanged

      public void formatModelChanged(FieldFormatModel model)
      Description copied from interface: FormatModelListener
      Notifies that the given format model was changed.
      Specified by:
      formatModelChanged in interface FormatModelListener
      model - the model that was changed.
    • getModel

      public ListingModel getModel(int index)
      Returns the ListingModel for the program with the indicated index.
      index - the index indicating which program's model to get.
      the program's ListingModel.
    • setAddressTranslator

      public void setAddressTranslator(AddressTranslator translator)
    • setAddressSet

      public void setAddressSet(AddressSetView view)
      Sets the address set for this MultiListingLayoutModel
      view - the current address set, which must be compatible with the primary program and listingModel