Class SleighAssemblerBuilder
- All Implemented Interfaces:
capable of supporting almost any SleighLanguage
To build an assembler, please use a static method of the Assemblers
SLEIGH-based assembly is a bit temperamental, since it essentially runs the disassembler backwards. The process is tenuous, but works well enough for interactive single-instruction assembly. It is not nearly as fast as disassembly, since after all, SLEIGH was not designed for assembly. The assembler is great for interactive patching and for building small samples in unit tests. For other cases, a real tool chain is likely more appropriate.
A Review of Disassembly
Before diving into assembly, it may be helpful to review SLEIGH and disassembly, at least as far as I understand. SLEIGH is really a specification of three distinct things, all related by trees of "constructors." 1) A mnemonic grammar, 2) A machine-code grammar, 3) Run-time semantics, i.e., p-code. The third is consumed primarily by the decompiler, the emulator, and other analysis, and is of little concern to the (dis)assembler. All three are tightly bound. A single constructor specifies a production in both grammars, constraints for selecting the production, as well as the generated run-time semantics. Consider an example:
:ADD regD,imm8 is op=5 & regD & imm8 { regD = regD + imm8; }
The colon indicates this constructor applies to the root "instruction" table. The mnemonic
production precedes the is
keyword. The machine-code constraints and production
follow. Finally, the semantics appear within braces.
To support bitfield parsing, a list of token formats and fields within must be declared. The
machine-code production may specify constraints in terms of those fields. Such constraints become
patterns that the parser uses to choose a constructor. For example, we may have
. In little endian, this would indicate a 2-byte
+-4----+-4----+-8----------+ | regD | op | imm8 | +------+------+------------+
Thus, this constructor is assigned the pattern 0101....
, which handles
. regD
and imm8
remain as operands. The operands of
the machine-code production refer to fields and subtables. During disassembly, those operands are
parsed in the order named: left to right, depth first. For the (root) instruction table and each
subtable, the disassembler selects exactly one constructor. The parser may only examine one
machine-code token at a time; however, the token can be large (32 bits is common), and it may
make several sub-table decisions based on fields within a single token, essentially allowing it
to look ahead and parse those fields out of order. In the example, the parser will technically
examine the op
field before parsing regD
When parsing a table or subtable, if no constructor's constraints can be matched, parsing fails. Each token is some number of bytes in size. The parser advances to the next token when it encounters a semicolon in the machine-code production. Note that when the parser returns to a parent constructor, i.e., the PDA pops its stack, the parser may return to a previous token. If that behavior is not desired, a machine-code production may contain ellipses, causing the parser to advance to the next token, even considering those tokens already examined by operands to the ellipses' left. Once all operands of the selected instruction constructor have been parsed, the resulting constructor tree ("prototype") is recorded and returned.
To display the instruction's mnemonic, the prototype is walked, generating the tokens ("print pieces") from the mnemonic production of each constructor. The walk is ordered according to that mnemonic production. The mnemonic grammar consists of syntactic text and symbols. Any symbols it uses must also appear in the machine-code production. Where the symbol is a sub-table, it behaves like a non-terminal in the grammar: It generates the print pieces of the constructor selected for the sub-table. Where the symbol is a field, it behaves like a terminal. It displays the numeric value of the field, or in the case of attached names, e.g., register names, it displays the name.
To complicate matters, but greatly increase the capability of the disassembler, SLEIGH introduces temporary symbols and context to the disassembler. A temporary symbol allows the computation of displayed values from fields. (The value may also be used by the p-code generator.) For example, a language may permit the expression of immediates as a value and a shift. Temporary symbols permit the effective value to be computed and displayed. Thus, a temporary symbol is valid in the mnemonic production. Context serves at least two purposes: 1) To propagate auxiliary information to sub-tables during disassembly, and 2) To handle persistent state changes in a processor that modify its decoder, e.g., ARM in THUMB mode. The latter is accomplished by marking regions of memory with this contextual information. Context is implemented by introducing a context register. It behaves like a special mutable token, initialized from the disassembler's memory, the context marked at the instruction's start address, or the language's default context. Like token fields, context fields can be referred to by a constructor's machine-code production, either to form constraints or to parse as operands. Fields may be modified by including mutations in the constructor. Mutations and temporary symbols are defined by assigning an expression to the field or symbol. Those expressions may refer to other fields and temporary symbols in the scope of that constructor. Since mutations are meant to be propagated down, they must be applied in pre-order during parsing. Note that context is not saved on any sort of stack, thus it is possible for context mutations in a sub-table operand (and its sub-table operands) to affect parsing of sibling sub-table operands to the right.
When disassembling entire subroutines, the disassembler must propagate context changes from instruction to instruction. Some bits of the context register are marked "global." Those bits, when instruction parsing succeeds, are taken as the "output context" of the resulting instruction. Propagation follows from a recursive traversal disassembly strategy, i.e., it heeds the branch targets of the instruction. The generated p-code is used to determine whether the instruction has branches and/or fall-through. If the output context differs from the default context, the disassembler saves it as the initial context for the next instruction. If the instruction has a branch target, the output context is marked at the target address.
Conceptually, assembly is a straightforward reversal of the disassembly process; however, the actual implementation is far more complex. To assemble an instruction there are three distinct phases: 1) Parsing, 2) Prototype generation, 3) Machine code generation. Each phase may take advantage of pre-computed artifacts.
Parsing Assembly Mnemonics
To parse, we pre-compute a LALR(1) parser based on mnemonic grammar. Because different
constructors may specify the same mnemonic production as others in the same table, we have to
associate all such constructors to the production. This step takes some time, and may be better
suited as a build-time step. Because SLEIGH specifications are not generally concerned with
eliminating ambiguity of printed instructions (rather, it only does so for instruction bytes), we
must consider that the grammar could be ambiguous. To handle this, the action/goto table is
permitted multiple entries per cell, and we allow backtracking. There are also cases where tokens
are not actually separated by spaces. For example, in the ia.sinc
file, there is JMP, and
J^cc, meaning, the lexer must consider J as a token as well as JMP, introducing another source of
possible backtracking. Despite that, parsing an instruction is fairly quick, since the sentences
are rather short. The pre-compute part of this process is implemented in AbstractSleighAssemblerBuilder.buildGrammar()
and AbstractSleighAssemblerBuilder.buildParser()
. Parsing is then encapsulated in AssemblyParser
Prototype Generation
To generate prototypes, we examine each resulting parse tree. If there are no parse trees, then a syntax errors is reported. Otherwise, for each tree, starting at the root production, we consider all associated constructors, matching each print piece to its corresponding operand on the machine-code side. For sub-table operands, the production substituted for the associated non-terminal guides generation, recursively. For other operands, the associated terminal provides the value or name. To mimic the token advancement of the disassembler, a shift is computed and stored for each operand. Computing the shift requires computing each operand's length, and so once the root of each prototype is generated, the instruction length is also known. Patterns and mutations are applied to mimic the disassembly process: pre-ordered, depth first, left to right, heeding the computed shift. If a pattern or mutation for a constructor conflicts with what's been generated so far, the constructor is pruned. If all possible constructors for a sub-table operand are pruned, then the containing constructor is also pruned.
In some cases, an operand appears in the machine-code production, but not the mnemonic
production: so-called "hidden operands." These pose a potential issue for the assembler, because
nothing syntactic can guide prototype generation. For hidden sub-table operands, we must consider
all constructors in the table. Furthermore, all operands of those constructors are considered
"hidden," and so we exhaust recursively. For other hidden operands, the value is left
unspecified. The prototype generation process is encapsulated in
Machine Code Generation
Machine code generation is a complex process, but it follows a straightforward reversal of the disassembler's parse phase. For each prototype, we start at the leaves (non-sub-table operands) and proceed upwards. This is still a depth-first traversal, but unlike disassembly, generation proceeds in post-order and right to left, as follows. Starting at the root:
- Resolve operands from right to left, descending into sub-table operands.
- Solve context mutations, in reverse order.
- Apply the required patterns
Note that for a single prototype, a constructor has already been selected for each sub-table operand. The resolution of sub-table operands follows the same process as for the root constructor.
For other operands, resolution proceeds by solving the operand's defining expression set equal to the value specified by the terminal. The resulting values are written into their respective token or context fields, generating an "assembly pattern." An assembly pattern is simply a masked bit sequence recording what is expected in the instruction buffer and context register. Each bit is 0, 1, or unspecified. In many cases, the "defining expression" is simply a field, so "solving" degenerates simply to "writing" the specified value into the field. Solving expressions is only required when a terminal defines the value of a temporary symbol. If the value is unspecified, i.e., it is a hidden operand, then no fields are written. Thus, hidden non-sub-table operands generate empty patterns.
As machine code generation proceeds right to left in a constructor, the resulting assembly
patterns are accumulated. If a generated pattern conflicts with that accumulated so far, the
pattern is pruned, likely halting generation of the current prototype. Once all operands have
been successfully resolved, the constructor's context mutations are solved. These tend to get
complicated since some fields may have values defined by the accumulated pattern, and some may
not. The changes are processed in reverse order from specified in the constructor, since fields
may be mutated in a way that forms data dependences among them. To solve, the field on the
left-hand side of the mutation is read, then it is set equal to the right-hand size and passed to
the solver. Because, from the disassembly perspective, the left-hand side is about to be written,
its value is cleared before passed to the solver. If successful, the solver returns patterns that
satisfy the equation. Resolution accumulates the patterns. If solving fails, or the patterns
conflict, it is pruned. Finally, the patterns required to select the constructor are applied,
again pruning conflicts. Note that a constructor may specify multiple patterns, e.g., if a
constraint is op == 5 || op == 6
. Thus, overall, it is possible a single prototype
will generate multiple assembly patterns. This process is encapsulated in
Handling Context and Prefixes
Once the root constructor has been completely resolved, the resulting instruction patterns
comprise the generated instruction bytes. However, we must consider the context pattern, too. In
practice, the assembler is invoked at a particular address, and the program database may provide
an initial context (as marked during previous disassembly). In other words, when patching an
instruction, we have to keep any persistent context in place. Thus, we can further cull patterns
whose context does not match. This intuition is frustrated by the possibility of constructors
with the mnemonic production ^instruction
, though. These "pure recursive"
constructors are often (ab)used to handle instruction prefixes, e.g.:
:^instruction is prefixed=0 & byte=0xff; instruction [ prefixed=1; ] {}
There are no syntactic elements that would cue the assembly parser to use this constructor.
Instead, we rely on the context register. Were it not for these kinds of constructors, we could
use the saved context as input to the prototype generation phase; however, we cannot. Instead, we
use the empty context and delay this step until after machine code generation. During assembler
construction, we pre-compute a "context transition graph." The mnemonic production
[instruction] => [instruction]
has associated with it all pure recursive
constructors. Naturally, that production cannot be included in the parser, as it would generate
increasingly deep parse trees ad infinitum. The graph starts with a seed node: the
language's default context. Then each pure recursive constructor is considered as an edge,
leading to the node resulting from applying that constructor, mimicking disassembly. This
proceeds for each unvisited node until no new nodes are produced. This component is encapsulated
in AssemblyContextGraph
To generate prefixes, we seek the shortest paths from nodes whose context pattern match the
initial context to nodes whose context pattern matches the generated assembly pattern. Note that
the shortest path may be the zero-length path. If no paths are found, assembly fails. Machine
code generation then proceeds by considering each path, and resolving the constructors in
reverse, in the same manner as constructors from the prototype are resolved. Note that the
patterns may need to be shifted to accommodate prefix tokens. This is accomplished by examining
the shift of the nested instruction operand for each constructor. This process is implemented in
Final Steps
As a final fail safe, the generated instructions are fed back through the disassembler and the resulting constructor trees are compared. If not equivalent, the instruction is dropped. It is possible (common in fact) that the generated assembly instruction pattern is not fully defined. By default, the assembler will substitute 0 for each undefined bit. However, the assembler API allows the retrieval of the generated pattern, since a user may wish to substitute other values.
If, in the end, no instructions are generated, a semantic error is reported. Often, the description is unwieldy, since it comprises a list of reasons each pattern was pruned. From the user side, it is usually sufficient to say, "sorry." From the language developer side, it may be useful to manually reconstruct the prototype and discover the conflicts. To that end, the implementation includes optional diagnostics, but even then, decoding them takes some familiarity and expertise.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
builtSymbols, ctxGraph, dbg, defaultContext, factory, generated, grammar, lang, parser
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionConstruct an assembler builder for the given SLEIGH language -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptiongetAssembler
(AssemblySelector selector) Build an assembler with the given selector callbackgetAssembler
(AssemblySelector selector, Program program) Build an assembler with the given selector callback and program bindingprotected SleighAssembler
(AssemblySelector selector) protected SleighAssembler
(AssemblySelector selector, Program program) Methods inherited from class
addProduction, buildContext, buildContextGraph, buildGrammar, buildParser, buildSubGrammar, generateAssembler, getGrammar, getHandleTpl, getLanguage, getLanguageID, getParser, getSymbolFor, invNameSymbol, invValueMap, invVarnodeList
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
getLanguage, getLanguageID
Constructor Details
Construct an assembler builder for the given SLEIGH language- Parameters:
- the language
Method Details
protected AbstractAssemblyResolutionFactory<AssemblyResolvedPatterns,AssemblyResolvedBackfill> newResolutionFactory()- Specified by:
in classAbstractSleighAssemblerBuilder<AssemblyResolvedPatterns,
- Specified by:
in classAbstractSleighAssemblerBuilder<AssemblyResolvedPatterns,
- Specified by:
in classAbstractSleighAssemblerBuilder<AssemblyResolvedPatterns,
Description copied from interface:GenericAssemblerBuilder
Build an assembler with the given selector callback- Specified by:
in interfaceAssemblerBuilder
- Specified by:
in interfaceGenericAssemblerBuilder<AssemblyResolvedPatterns,
Assembler> - Overrides:
in classAbstractSleighAssemblerBuilder<AssemblyResolvedPatterns,
Assembler> - Parameters:
- the selector callback- Returns:
- the built assembler
Description copied from interface:GenericAssemblerBuilder
Build an assembler with the given selector callback and program binding- Specified by:
in interfaceAssemblerBuilder
- Specified by:
in interfaceGenericAssemblerBuilder<AssemblyResolvedPatterns,
Assembler> - Overrides:
in classAbstractSleighAssemblerBuilder<AssemblyResolvedPatterns,
Assembler> - Parameters:
- the selector callbackprogram
- the bound program- Returns:
- the built assembler