Class DecompilerController


public class DecompilerController extends Object
Coordinates the interactions between the DecompilerProvider, DecompilerPanel, and the DecompilerManager
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getServiceProvider

      public ServiceProvider getServiceProvider()
    • getDecompilerPanel

      public DecompilerPanel getDecompilerPanel()
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Called by the provider when the provider is disposed. Once dispose is called, it should never be used again.
    • clear

      public void clear()
      clears all internal state and releases all resources. Called when the provider is no longer visible or the currently displayed program is closed.
    • display

      public void display(Program program, ProgramLocation location, ViewerPosition viewerPosition)
      Shows the function containing the given location in the decompilerPanel. Also, positions the decompilerPanel's cursor to the closest equivalent position. If the decompilerPanel is already displaying the function, then only the cursor is repositioned. To force a re-decompile use refreshDisplay(Program, ProgramLocation, File).
      program - the program for the given location
      location - the location containing the function to be displayed and the location in that function to position the cursor.
      viewerPosition - the viewer position
    • setSelection

      public void setSelection(ProgramSelection selection)
    • setOptions

      public void setOptions(DecompileOptions decompilerOptions)
      Sets new decompiler options and triggers a new decompile.
      decompilerOptions - the options
    • isDecompiling

      public boolean isDecompiling()
    • setMouseNavigationEnabled

      public void setMouseNavigationEnabled(boolean enabled)
    • resetDecompiler

      public void resetDecompiler()
      Resets the native decompiler process. Call this method when the decompiler's view of a program has been invalidated, such as when a new overlay space has been added.
    • setDecompileData

      public void setDecompileData(DecompileData decompileData)
      Called by the DecompilerManager to update the currently displayed DecompileData
      decompileData - the new data
    • doWhenNotBusy

      public void doWhenNotBusy(Callback c)
    • refreshDisplay

      public void refreshDisplay(Program program, ProgramLocation location, File debugFile)
      Always decompiles the function containing the given location before positioning the decompilerPanel's cursor to the closest equivalent position.
      program - the program for the given location
      location - the location containing the function to be displayed and the location in that function to position the cursor.
      debugFile - the debug file
    • hasDecompileResults

      public boolean hasDecompileResults()
    • getCCodeModel

      public ClangTokenGroup getCCodeModel()
    • setStatusMessage

      public void setStatusMessage(String message)
    • getProgram

      public Program getProgram()
    • getFunction

      public Function getFunction()
    • getHighFunction

      public HighFunction getHighFunction()
    • getLocation

      public ProgramLocation getLocation()
    • getDecompileData

      public DecompileData getDecompileData()
    • exportLocation

      public void exportLocation()
    • clearCache

      public void clearCache()
    • programClosed

      public void programClosed(Program closedProgram)