Class AddUninitializedMemoryBlockCmd

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AddUninitializedMemoryBlockCmd extends AbstractAddMemoryBlockCmd
Command for adding uninitialized memory blocks
  • Constructor Details

    • AddUninitializedMemoryBlockCmd

      public AddUninitializedMemoryBlockCmd(String name, String comment, String source, Address start, long length, boolean read, boolean write, boolean execute, boolean isVolatile, boolean isOverlay)
      Create a new AddUninitializedMemoryBlockCmd
      name - the name for the new memory block.
      comment - the comment for the block
      source - indicates what is creating the block
      start - the start address for the block
      length - the length of the new block
      read - sets the block's read permission flag
      write - sets the block's write permission flag
      execute - sets the block's execute permission flag
      isVolatile - sets the block's volatile flag
      isOverlay - if true, the block will be created in a new overlay address space.
  • Method Details