Class AddByteMappedMemoryBlockCmd

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AddByteMappedMemoryBlockCmd extends AbstractAddMemoryBlockCmd
Command for adding byte-mapped memory blocks
  • Constructor Details

    • AddByteMappedMemoryBlockCmd

      public AddByteMappedMemoryBlockCmd(String name, String comment, String source, Address start, long length, boolean read, boolean write, boolean execute, boolean isVolatile, Address mappedAddress, ByteMappingScheme byteMappingScheme, boolean isOverlay)
      Create a new AddByteMappedMemoryBlockCmd with a specified byte mapping scheme. Byte mapping scheme is specified by two values schemeDestByteCount and schemeSrcByteCount which may be viewed as a ratio of number of destination bytes to number of mapped source bytes. When the destination consumes bytes from the mapped source it consume schemeDestByteCount bytes then skips (schemeSrcByteCount - schemeDestByteCount) bytes before repeating the mapping sequence over the extent of the destination block. The block start address and source mappedAddress must be chosen carefully as they relate to the mapping scheme when it is anything other than 1:1.
      name - the name for the new memory block.
      comment - the comment for the block
      source - indicates what is creating the block
      start - the start address for the block
      length - the length of the new block
      read - sets the block's read permission flag
      write - sets the block's write permission flag
      execute - sets the block's execute permission flag
      isVolatile - sets the block's volatile flag
      mappedAddress - the address in memory that will serve as the bytes source for the block
      byteMappingScheme - byte mapping scheme (may be null for 1:1 mapping)
      isOverlay - if true, the block will be created in a new overlay address space.
    • AddByteMappedMemoryBlockCmd

      public AddByteMappedMemoryBlockCmd(String name, String comment, String source, Address start, long length, boolean read, boolean write, boolean execute, boolean isVolatile, Address mappedAddress, boolean isOverlay)
      Create a new AddByteMappedMemoryBlockCmd with 1:1 byte mapping scheme
      name - the name for the new memory block.
      comment - the comment for the block
      source - indicates what is creating the block
      start - the start address for the block
      length - the length of the new block
      read - sets the block's read permission flag
      write - sets the block's write permission flag
      execute - sets the block's execute permission flag
      isVolatile - sets the block's volatile flag
      mappedAddress - the address in memory that will serve as the bytes source for the block
      isOverlay - if true, the block will be created in a new overlay address space.
  • Method Details