Class AnchoredLayout

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AnchoredLayout extends Object implements Layout
  • Constructor Details

    • AnchoredLayout

      public AnchoredLayout(Layout layout, BigInteger index, int yPos)
  • Method Details

    • getYPos

      public int getYPos()
    • paint

      public void paint(JComponent c, Graphics g, PaintContext context, Rectangle rect, LayoutBackgroundColorManager layoutSelectionMap, FieldLocation cursorLocation)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Paints this layout on the screen.
      Specified by:
      paint in interface Layout
      g - The graphics context with which to paint.
      context - contains various information needed to do the paint
      rect - the screen area that needs to be painted.
      layoutSelectionMap - indicates where the selection exists
      cursorLocation - the location of the cursor or null if the cursor is not in this layout
    • setYPos

      public void setYPos(int yPos)
    • getIndex

      public BigInteger getIndex()
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight()
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Returns the total height of this layout.
      Specified by:
      getHeight in interface Layout
    • getCompressableWidth

      public int getCompressableWidth()
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Returns the smallest possible width of this layout that can display its full contents
      Specified by:
      getCompressableWidth in interface Layout
      the smallest possible width of this layout that can display its full contents
    • getScrollableUnitIncrement

      public int getScrollableUnitIncrement(int y, int direction)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Returns the amount to scroll to reveal the line of text.
      Specified by:
      getScrollableUnitIncrement in interface Layout
      y - the y coordinate that represents the top or bottom of the screen
      direction - the direction to scroll
    • getEndY

      public int getEndY()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • contains

      public boolean contains(int y)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Returns true if the given yPos lies within this layout.
      Specified by:
      contains in interface Layout
      y - the vertical coordinate to check if in this layout.
    • cursorBeginning

      public int cursorBeginning(FieldLocation cursorLoc)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Sets the given FieldLocation as far to the left as possible.
      Specified by:
      cursorBeginning in interface Layout
      cursorLoc - the cursor location object to be modified.
      the x coordinate of the cursor after the operation.
    • cursorDown

      public boolean cursorDown(FieldLocation cursorLoc, int lastX)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Moves the cursor up down row from its current position.
      Specified by:
      cursorDown in interface Layout
      cursorLoc - the cursor location object to be modified
      lastX - the x coordinate of the cursor before the move.
      true if the cursor was successfully moved down without leaving the layout.
    • cursorEnd

      public int cursorEnd(FieldLocation cursorLoc)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Sets the given FieldLocation as far to the right as possible.
      Specified by:
      cursorEnd in interface Layout
      cursorLoc - the cursor location object to be modified.
      the x coordinate of the cursor after the operation.
    • cursorLeft

      public int cursorLeft(FieldLocation cursorLoc)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Sets the given FieldLocation one position to the left. If already at the left most position, it tries to move to the end of the previous row.
      Specified by:
      cursorLeft in interface Layout
      cursorLoc - the cursor location object to be modified.
      the x coordinate of the cursor after the operation. Returns -1 if it was already at the top, left most position.
    • cursorRight

      public int cursorRight(FieldLocation cursorLoc)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Sets the given FieldLocation one position to the right. If already at the right most position, it tries to move to the beginning of the next row.
      Specified by:
      cursorRight in interface Layout
      cursorLoc - the cursor location object to be modified.
      the x coordinate of the cursor after the operation. Returns -1 if it was already at the bottom, right most position.
    • cursorUp

      public boolean cursorUp(FieldLocation cursorLoc, int lastX)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Moves the cursor up one row from its current position.
      Specified by:
      cursorUp in interface Layout
      cursorLoc - the cursor location object to be modified
      lastX - the x coordinate of the cursor before the move.
      true if the cursor was successfully moved up without leaving the layout.
    • enterLayout

      public boolean enterLayout(FieldLocation cursorLoc, int lastX, boolean fromTop)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Tries to move the cursor into this layout.
      Specified by:
      enterLayout in interface Layout
      cursorLoc - the field location to hold new location.
      lastX - the last valid x coordinate.
      fromTop - true if entering from the above this layout
      true if the cursor successfully moves into this layout.
    • getBeginRowFieldNum

      public int getBeginRowFieldNum(int field1)
      Specified by:
      getBeginRowFieldNum in interface Layout
    • getCursorRect

      public Rectangle getCursorRect(int fieldNum, int row, int col)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Returns a rectangle which bounds the given cursor position.
      Specified by:
      getCursorRect in interface Layout
      fieldNum - the index of the field containing the cursor position.
      row - the text row in the field containing the cursor position.
      col - the character position in the row containing the cursor position.
    • getEndRowFieldNum

      public int getEndRowFieldNum(int field2)
      Specified by:
      getEndRowFieldNum in interface Layout
    • getField

      public Field getField(int fieldIndex)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Returns the i'th Field in this Layout.
      Specified by:
      getField in interface Layout
      fieldIndex - the index of the field to retrieve.
    • getFieldBounds

      public Rectangle getFieldBounds(int fieldIndex)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Returns the bounds of the given field (in coordinates relative to the layout)
      Specified by:
      getFieldBounds in interface Layout
      fieldIndex - the field id for the field for which to get bounds
    • getIndexSize

      public int getIndexSize()
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Returns the number of indexes consumed by this layout.
      Specified by:
      getIndexSize in interface Layout
    • getNumFields

      public int getNumFields()
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Returns the number of Fields in this Layout.
      Specified by:
      getNumFields in interface Layout
    • getPrimaryOffset

      public int getPrimaryOffset()
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Returns the vertical offset (in pixels) of the start of the primary field in the layout.
      Specified by:
      getPrimaryOffset in interface Layout
      -1 if layout does not have a primary field.
    • insertSpaceAbove

      public void insertSpaceAbove(int size)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Inserts empty space above the layout
      Specified by:
      insertSpaceAbove in interface Layout
      size - the amount of space to insert above the layout
    • insertSpaceBelow

      public void insertSpaceBelow(int size)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Inserts empty space below the layout
      Specified by:
      insertSpaceBelow in interface Layout
      size - the amount of space to insert below the layout
    • setCursor

      public int setCursor(FieldLocation cursorLoc, int x, int y)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Sets the cursor to the given point location. The cursor will be positioned to the row column position that is closest to the given point.
      Specified by:
      setCursor in interface Layout
      cursorLoc - the location that is to be filled in.
      x - the x coordinate of the point to be translated into a cursor location.
      y - the y coordinate of the point to be translated into a cursor location.
      the x coordinated of the computed cursor location.
    • getFieldIndex

      public int getFieldIndex(int x, int y)
      Description copied from interface: Layout
      Returns the index of the field at the given coordinates (relative to the layout)
      Specified by:
      getFieldIndex in interface Layout
      x - the x coordinate
      y - the y coordinate
      the index of the field at the given coordinates (relative to the layout)