Package docking.widgets.dialogs
Class NumberInputDialog
- All Implemented Interfaces:
DialogComponentProvider that provides information to create a modal dialog to prompt for a number (int) to be input by the user.
If an initial value is specified it is not in the range of min,max, it will be set to the min.
If the maximum value indicated is less than the minimum then the max is the largest positive integer. Otherwise the maximum valid value is as indicated.
This dialog component provider class can be used by various classes and therefore should not have its size or position remembered by the tool.showDialog() call parameters.
To display the dialog call:
String entryType = "items";
int initial = 5; // initial value in text field.
int min = 1; // minimum valid value in text field.
int max = 10; // maximum valid value in text field.
NumberInputDialog numInputProvider = new NumberInputProvider(entryType, initial, min, max);
if ( {
// not cancelled
int result = numInputProvider.getValue();
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class docking.widgets.dialogs.AbstractNumberInputDialog
defaultMessage, label, max, min, numberInputField, wasCancelled
Fields inherited from class docking.DialogComponentProvider
applyButton, buttonPanel, cancelButton, dismissButton, okButton, rootPanel
Constructor Summary
(String entryType, int initial, int min) Constructs a new NumberInputDialogNumberInputDialog
(String entryType, int initial, int min, int max) Constructs a new NumberInputDialogNumberInputDialog
(String title, String prompt, Integer initialValue, int min, int max, boolean showAsHex) Show a number input dialog -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class docking.widgets.dialogs.AbstractNumberInputDialog
buildDefaultPrompt, buildMainPanel, cancelCallback, getBigIntegerValue, getIntValue, getLongValue, getMax, getMin, okCallback, setDefaultMessage, setInput, show, toBig, updateOKButtonEnablement, wasCancelled
Methods inherited from class docking.DialogComponentProvider
addAction, addApplyButton, addButton, addCancelButton, addDismissButton, addOKButton, addWorkPanel, alertMessage, alertMessage, applyCallback, cancelCurrentTask, clearScheduledTask, clearStatusText, close, closeDialog, createSharedActions, dialogClosed, dialogShown, dismissCallback, dispose, doInitialize, escapeCallback, executeProgressTask, getActionContext, getActions, getBackground, getBounds, getComponent, getDefaultButton, getDefaultSize, getDialogSize, getFocusComponent, getGlassPane, getHelpLocation, getId, getInitialLocation, getLocationOnScreen, getParent, getPreferredSize, getRememberLocation, getRememberSize, getStatusColor, getStatusLabel, getStatusText, getTaskMonitorComponent, getTaskScheduler, getTitle, getUseSharedLocation, hideTaskMonitorComponent, isApplyEnabled, isCancelEnabled, isDialogKeyBindingAction, isModal, isOKEnabled, isResizeable, isRunningTask, isShowing, isTransient, isVisible, notifyContextChanged, removeAction, removeButton, removeWorkPanel, repack, setAccessibleDescription, setApplyEnabled, setApplyToolTip, setBackground, setCancelButtonText, setCancelEnabled, setCancelToolTip, setCursor, setDefaultButton, setDefaultSize, setDialogSize, setDismissToolTip, setFocusComponent, setGlassPane, setHelpLocation, setInitialLocation, setMinimumSize, setMinimumSize, setOkButtonText, setOkEnabled, setOkToolTip, setPreferredSize, setRememberLocation, setRememberSize, setResizable, setStatusJustification, setStatusText, setStatusText, setStatusText, setTitle, setTransient, setUseSharedLocation, showProgressBar, showTaskMonitorComponent, stopProgressTimer, taskCancelled, taskCompleted, toFront, toString, waitForCurrentTask
Constructor Details
Constructs a new NumberInputDialog- Parameters:
- item type the number indicates (i.e. "duplicates", "items", or "elements")initial
- default value displayed in the text fieldmin
- minimum value allowed
Constructs a new NumberInputDialog- Parameters:
- item type the number indicates (i.e. "duplicates", "items", or "elements")initial
- default value displayed in the text fieldmin
- minimum value allowedmax
- maximum value allowed
public NumberInputDialog(String title, String prompt, Integer initialValue, int min, int max, boolean showAsHex) Show a number input dialog- Parameters:
- The title of the dialogprompt
- the prompt to display before the number input fieldinitialValue
- the default value to display, null will leave the field blankmin
- the minimum allowed value of the fieldmax
- the maximum allowed value of the fieldshowAsHex
- if true, the initial value will be displayed as hex
Method Details
public int getValue()Convert the input to an int value- Returns:
- the int value
- Throws:
- if entered value cannot be parsedIllegalStateException
- if the dialog was cancelled